An individual vote only has meaningful significance in a few specific locations. If you aren't doing anything to materially impact votes in those locations, emphasizing your individual vote as significant online is more about self-affirming and displaying your allegiance among others who agree with you.
Which is both a huge investment in infrastructure and climate initiatives and also pretty poorly understood by most people.
This sentence represents the DNC's approach to politics so well and why they fail to connect with many voters. They approach politics inversely, coming up with policy and trying to invent/convince a politics around it, so they need a brand to sell their policy basically which Obama was so perfect at. You see this with the former Obama staffers Pod Save guys a lot. They constantly plead with their audience to realize why something like public healthcare isn't a realistic policy, or why some policy that connects with very few is actually the best thing for you. This is also just the general DNC-sympathetic approach in the media coverage, "here's why, despite you struggling with increased economic uncertainty and material stresses as a result of our decaying economic system, your life is actually better because of Biden and the DNC."
Inversely you have the GOP who shamelessly accept any and all public politics to the point of absurdity. Trump is like the inverse-Obama where instead of a political brand selling policy, he's parroting back the politics that people present him with as if it was a "yes, and" improv exercise. And they effectively take that public fear approach towards Trump from the Democrat-sympathetic media and flip it around, "your life didn't significantly change under Trump despite this insane reaction to him," which for many Trump supporters actually connects.
So average voters, they don't care about policy or some political argument, most American's aren't engaged in politics at the online level. They vote based on how much they personally connect with a politician or by circumstance. The DNC fails to approach politics this way and desperately wants to find more Obamas to perform the function they require for their approach to work, vs the GOP who offer up anything no matter how ridiculous or absurd and contradictory.
Literally going psycho mode on the 2016 strategy of shaming the voters they need rather than blaming the DNC in any meaningful way for it's lack of ability to appeal to those voters. They don't understand this has already topped out on effectiveness. Not realizing Biden won because of the pandemic in spite of this strategy is going to mark the failure and likely GOP win this year.
Sad and pathetic to see it happen this way, where the very people they need to win are the ones they target and judge harshest.
If not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump, by the same logic not voting for Trump is a vote for Biden
It's a route of exploitation. FOSS developers aren't often paid for their labor, and what they produce is often commodified by capital. Products of people's leisure are exploited basically, and they justify it through this moral framework, but no class dynamics are impacted and actually the opposite, they become reified even more.
If Linux or foss had the ability to impact political economy in some communist way we'd have seen it by now, so this is like a deus ex machina myth for tech hobbyists to elevate themselves, an evangelical tech religion. As a Marxist myself this stuff just makes me laugh, the irony of a creature like Bill Gates calling something communist and embracing it with pride.
If you want to put faith in technology and the internet changing the world for the better, just realize since the dawn of all this stuff wealth inequality and economic stresses have only increased until a full blown crisis in 2008 of the consenting economic model. Now as these stresses turn inward we see it culminating in what we might call neofascism.
Right, you're establishing a moral superiority by your consumption model. I have the same consumption model but not vain enough to think the way I watch movies has any moral significance.
Yeah and in those linux examples its not really latency that's important, plus those things run on Windows too. The Monome Norns is a raspberry pi shield with a linux platform and development community around it, where people write scripts to turn it in to all manner of musical devices. When it comes to a full DAW with VST support it's basically OSX or Windows, and if you don't want to be restricted to Apple hardware then congrats, you're using Windows.
Should restrict updates to security only
I do both and happy with debloated Windows 11 Enterprise with automatic updates restricted to security only. Pirating now is running a powershell command that fetches activation scripts from github.
As someone who uses windows to produce music
Exactly and some other media/creative stuff as well. Windows is the only way to run Ableton with full VST support on my own hardware. Then if I'm going to need a Windows workstation anyway, I might as well use it for gaming too, and lump in all my other "power station" uses. It's sometimes frustrating when you mention this and people who aren't familiar with these programs to try to debate you or assume you haven't entertained the alternatives. In my case I run Linux on my laptop and servers, and even some of my instruments like the monome norns and m8 are rpi based. Real time audio synthesis on linux is actually amazing, PureData and Supercollider are the ones I'm somewhat familiar with.
Configuration Management is the term I'm familiar with, third party tools or SCCM, or just group policy.
I assumed they'd be clear coated, expect that to be a big aftermarket service.