I mean I would only accept the FOSS option for my balls (or lack thereof), but yeah I want like a diabetes insulin pump but for balls. Could add a bunch of quirks and features in there too like a hardening protective mesh and RGB. Why stop there just go full tech-penis.
There are no married people playing this game
I guess with my knowledge of energy markets, a situation like that would result in higher prices just by the way the market functions, responding to supply and demand. The graph here appears to be a market clearing price rather than a price after adjustments, where a lot of incentives would be brought in like an intentional price hike.
We were in the opposite situation though where we were running into surplus overnight during a period of energy transition. You'd see these stupid misinformed articles being like, "the government is giving away YOUR electricity to the US!" Was like during the 2003 blackout where we needed to bring large loads online carefully alongside generation, people were freaking out how casinos and industry got power before them. The need for dispatchable loads connected to the high voltage transmission grid in that situation wasn't as headline worthy.
Yeah good point about the titration. The idea for this first month was really to confirm if a front line treatment had an effect. I was surprised he was okay starting at 30mg but I can see how this would help establish a baseline of side effects and all that. Can see how having more lower strength pills would allow for more control. I was a pharmacy helper for 5 years and remember all these amphetamine formulations and combos people would have prescribed. Really nice how there's so many options.
I love these sort of games, Painkiller is my fav
Little of column a, little of column b
My first day back to the office on lisdexamphetamine I found it crazy how much I enjoyed casual conversation and catching up with people. It's like I could actually focus on someone and enjoy a slow conversation. I'm a really social person in general and didn't expect this effect from the meds, I'm usually talking really fast and feel like I'm either at 0 or 10 in a conversation, but one-on-one with people is sometimes a challenge as I feel distracted and disconnected vs small groups. Really welcoming effect.
I have Crohns (one of the reasons my adhd was masked) and despite being in clinical remission for 15+ years, I definitely have more "motility" happening in my gut like it's just super active. I've only been taking lisdexamphetamine for 3 days now and of the main calming effects I've noticed is my stummy is also way calmer. I read later it can have this effext at therapeutic doses, gotta say I'm enjoying it.
I'd say it depends on how you think it's affecting your life*. Everyone has some symptoms of adhd the difference is the full picture and your ability to control it. Nobody likes boring tasks and everyone has trouble with motivation, at some level it becomes symptomatic of adhd but the way to figure that out is through a doctor and trying different treatments.
*interesting thing about what's classified as a mental illness is that it needs to have a negative effect on your life. There's debate about things like narcissism being an "illness" because often it actually helps the person succeed, and they would never think of themselves as being negatively affected by it. If our society rewards a condition like this, what does that mean for classification of mental illness and how medicine is practiced? Similar questions apply to adhd, I had a job that exploited my adhd very well for a long time and figured if I had it then whatever that's just me. It wasn't until it was a serious issue that I decided I actually need to figure out if I have it and try something.
It's actually super easy to root your ball controls and run a minimal install, check out some of the projects on github. Compatibility is like 90% there.