
joined 2 years ago
[–] banneryear1868 15 points 1 year ago

Drugs are invoked a lot to explain and justify human behavior to some external factor. It's like when people say Nazis were on meth as an explaination for their actions, while not applying the same logic to basically every other military using amphetamines.

[–] banneryear1868 9 points 1 year ago

RC "nootropic stack"

[–] banneryear1868 9 points 1 year ago

Sometimes I say "sympathy without empathy" for these situations lol

[–] banneryear1868 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I dunno I had a girlfriend who was 34-36 when I was 21-23 and it wasn't weird or anything, still friends many years later even though we have our own families now. She got carded buying alcohol more than me so it's not like it was obvious though.

[–] banneryear1868 -2 points 1 year ago

If you're rated X, you're some kinda gold even men turning silver try to make

[–] banneryear1868 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah like his labor theory of value has basically been disproven but that doesn't have to negate his critique of modernity and his view of class conflict, notion of private property, exploitation, etc. Historical materialism is hugely influential even today. Marx didn't outline some rigid framework for a communist utopia either.

Hegel's idealism as well... Marx began as a Hegelian in Germany and increasingly became critical of Hegel's dialectic. His concept of dialectical materialism is a response to Hegel and turns it on it's head. The notion that material conditions aren't shaped by human ideas and values but instead that human ideas and values are a response to material conditions.

[–] banneryear1868 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Could consider that one of the effects of the capitalist west's active intervention to prevent any form of socialism and communism during the last... can just say century at this point but especially post-WW2 by sponsoring fascist intervention, is that it applied a selection criteria on which forms of these states could actually survive.

[–] banneryear1868 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Marx also viewed capitalism as a necessary intermediary step towards achieving communism and saw it as an improvement to what existed before it. An amazing thing about the Russian Revolution and USSR is they went from feudalism to a modern communist state in less than a generation. In that context it was incredible what they were able to achieve in the time they did and we can recognize areas it worked independent of the rest.

There's been some pretty good discussion about whether capitalism or communism has resulted in more deaths overall, and the value in that isn't to arrive at some final tally to find who wins.

[–] banneryear1868 6 points 1 year ago

People use some Snapchat filters like this, like the anime face one I see a lot.

[–] banneryear1868 1 points 1 year ago

Truly a pioneer

[–] banneryear1868 3 points 1 year ago

I want apps to be programs again*

[–] banneryear1868 12 points 1 year ago (3 children)

A solid 6" soft 3.5" and contact with the rim is a problem, it really shouldn't be at this size I feel. Also I often sit to pee at home cause I got my comfy seat and classy toilet space (Crohn's things). It's those super flat restaurant toilets where my balls might come close to the water but I don't think they've ever touched thank god.

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