
joined 2 days ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 hour ago

I disagree with the notion that moderation is done when the recipient doesnt want to see it. Moderation is the tools of censorship.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

I respect your ideal and i think its a good basic value to have, but lets be honest. Reddit has always had content moderation in one way or another but had very high level of tolerance. I remember when every second post on reddit was a huge ascii of pedobear and they had subreddits with legal yet very untasteful pictures of underage girls and bullying fat people had their own subreddit. At some point it became large enough to get large investors that doesn't want their name next to a barely dressed 14 year old. Then TheDonald and other right wing subs was banned, so it has mostly upheld free speach for what is popular among its users for the longest of time but has never been a free speach platform. Even 4chan today is nowhere near what it used to be, for good reasons i think because i think no sane person would look at it and think, this is free speach in its prime.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago (4 children)

I agree with your point in general but free speech is a right that is only a protection from consequences from the government and does not include private coorporations or citizens. If someone start spewing racist remarks in my house, i'll ask them to leave. The same applies for reddit and other platforms. We can freely move to a place where our speech is allowed. We can't just force every single platform or every gathering allowing all speech at all times.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Precis som med kodning så ska det vara ett aktivt val att ta hjälp av AI som default-läge. Den stora risken ser jag som att om 10 år är det ingen som kan varken formulera sig eller koda av de som är nya med dessa verktyg. Det kanske hjälper en för stunden men det kostar i längden, speciellt när det kommer till kompetens. Det är billigare att anlita indier för att göra allt men det finns en bra orsak till att de flesta som tänker långsiktigt inte gör så.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Same here . Obviously it does feel more like actually driving a car instead of a toy but to be honest, electric is here and they don't shift. Today when i feel like doing some driving for the sake of driving- a motorcycle is much more fun anyway.