i will keep this up... over 50 and like your take!
and the federal government pulls all of those nice money machines (military bases)
Every day... you carry all that? do you have a man purse or...
read further down in the comments .. i said i was wrong and speaking from my experiences and said i accept my lashing.. then i went an looked at the tope selling ev's during that time and 3 of the top 5 are Tesla.. So now i completely agree with everything without question
i totally agree with what you have posted and said so. i was expressing my experience. And accepted my lashing.... what more do you want
or maybe musk mobiles should not occupy the top 3 positions...might be a correlation there??
i did read it... and i will still call BS but i will gladly accept your typed lashing have a fantastic day
wait a minute...
hahaha.. this is yet another lie. I have a 2015 nissan leaf. here is a list of everything i have done to upkeep it for the 8 years i have owned it You ready... here we go Windshield wipers Windshield washer fluid Brake fluid change Antifreeze change tires
so keep posting lies... it it makes you feel better about your car choice.
look i do not care if red necks do not want to but this beer. all you team blue vs team red continue to dig at each other over this. The real story is just funny how completely out of touch a megacorp is with their customer base.
is it just me or is this guy doing everything in his power to make sure orange man wins..
the guy at Ace Hardware gave me double stamps on my propane purchase... so i got that going for me which is nice
LOL from a country with no functional way to get to space without a contractor or hitching a ride with some other country