I setup syncthing from seedbox to my NAS.
I think "Feeling good" is in this category.
You might not need it but it's a very small image (3.5MB for multi-arch iso) so why not?
Official wiki page that lists AP with Wifi AX support
(Some devices that lists "Snapshot" might be supported by 23.05 currently in release candidate phase)
If I remember correctly you can plug in phone line to RJ45, this stackovwerflow question lists some caveats.
I know Micron Storage Executive can run in Ubuntu Live USB, too bad Micron/Crucial doesn't have attractive offering where I live.
Ubuntu freezes package version number (with only few exceptions like browsers) when they release a new version.
You will either need to wait for a new version (most likely 23.10) or use 3rd party maintained PPAs.
Or use something like KeePassXC that uses a database file, no internet required (other than downloading software).
I can confirm Connect for Lemmy (Android) can search in post and comments.
Imagine you have Permission to post as [email protected]
as an object that is locked in a safe deposit box, the key is JWT token
The key, by how it works, can be obtained by (1) knowing [email protected]'s password (+2FA token if configured) (2) have a copy of the token (3) somehow cheat lemmy.world's authentication scheme (by somehow skipping authentication or acquiring magic tool to generate random token .... etc).
What happened today is scenario (2), by a single line of JavaScript planted by hacker, and if you have access to my unlocked desktop computer, you can see and copy the key by using F12 (developer tool).
Scenario (2) can be mitigated by tying the sending computer IP to JWT token
, but as far as I can tell lemmy.world doesn't have the option, and most of people get random new IP address every now and then because how Internet currently operates, so this feature can be very annoying.
now introduce Permission to post PGP signed message as [email protected]
as an object that is locked in a safe deposit box, this deposit box has two key slot (like a bank deposit box), JWT token
and PGP private key
This PGP private key
doesn't have to sit in your browser, it can be on a burner phone which it's only purpose is a APP for signing message, it can be on a USB thumb drive that is stored in your parent's basement, or usb thumb drive that sits in bank deposit box which requires a bank employee to authenticate your ID to access.........
No one store their PGP private key in cookies, at least I hope so.
Ideally someone wants to send signed message doesn't store the signing key in their browser, sandbox their browser even.
Use a cellphone under trees in rain.
Learned few days ago that it's not actually dangerous, at least doesn't make you have a higher change to be struck by thunder.
Less likely to break when you perform kernel upgrade. (new major version)