
joined 2 years ago
[–] avapa 13 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Just chiming in as a European: These birds totally amazed me when I was in the US for the first time. We have some blue colored birds in Germany but they're pretty rare, the most common, I think, being the European blue tit. I stayed in the suburbs of the Bay Area in 2014 and I loved all those foreign (to me) looking birds sitting in the trees next to my Airbnb.

[–] avapa 8 points 2 years ago (2 children)
[–] avapa 61 points 2 years ago (7 children)

Ich bin immer noch salzig, dass ich nach über 12 Jahren auf Lases zu Lassmich wechseln musste. Ich bin ein großer Verfechter von offener Soße und stehe grundsätzlich hinter meinen Prinzipien, aber gleichzeitig muss ich auch eingestehen, dass ich mich ein wenig nach den alten Zeiten auf Lases sehne. Es gibt halt leider - zumindest bis jetzt - bei Weitem nicht so viele Inhalte, wobei mir jedoch sehr gefällt, dass selbst in politischen Unterlassmichs (community/sublemmy/whatever) ein bisher sehr zivilisierter Ton herrscht und selbst (für mich) kontroverse Meinungen mit sachlichem Diskurs empfangen werden.

[–] avapa 12 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Probably a gaming PC (as he mentioned Steam) without a display connected to it that’s used for game streaming using Parsec or other software like Sunshine. By the way, if you want to try that setup yourself make sure you get a dummy plug (HDMI or DisplayPort) for the GPU as Windows doesn’t really allow video capture if no display is detected.

[–] avapa 7 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Japan was unwilling to surrender for a long time even though Japanese cities got bombed on a near daily basis near the end of the war. The US gambled on, for a lack of a better word, the wow-factor of the atomic bomb. They guessed correctly that Japan’s leaders would assume that there’s no way in hell the US could produce another one of these “special” bombs. They dropped the second one to basically say: “Hey, we got a huge stockpile of these things so we can do this as long as you like”. Or to put it simply: It was a show of force. When Nagasaki got hit Japanese leaders were in a council meeting about the Hiroshima bombing and the Soviet’s declaration of war on Japan and even after the news arrived in Tokyo half the cabinet was still insistent on their own terms of surrender. They didn’t know how many more bombs America had and that fear played a huge part in Hirohito’s decision to end the war after more than 14 hours of debate that day.

[–] avapa 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Yeah, part of the reason cars back then were so serviceable was because they broke down all the time. A modern car with regular servicing can last very long mechanically. The amount of electronic creature comforts, safety devices etc. are often what drives up repair costs and lead to some cars becoming uneconomical to repair. Cracked windshield? That’ll be 1000 bucks because the rain sensor for your automatic wipers will have to be recalibrated. Dead headlight? $2000 because we can’t replace individual LEDs, have to take the front of the car of to replace the whole headlight assembly and calibrate the adaptive front lighting system so that it follows road curvature again.

[–] avapa 11 points 2 years ago (2 children)

The sign says you should cross the patch of grass before the actual merge. I had a hard time understanding that sign as well because apparently that bike lane across the grass is a fucking 30cm wide gravel path I barely spotted.

[–] avapa 12 points 2 years ago

Yeah, beef jerky, even when making it yourself like @[email protected] does, can be quite expensive depending on where you live. Thankfully beef jerky doesn't require high-end cuts of beef. Round Eye is one of the preferred cuts and even in regions with relatively high prices for beef (e.g. Germany) it's still quite economical compared to store-bought Jack Link's.

[–] avapa 4 points 2 years ago

Thanks, I appreciate your answer!

[–] avapa 35 points 2 years ago (16 children)

That’s still totally insane. I get the appeal of compiling everything from source but it ain’t for me. Btw, Firefox is on version 115 right now. Is there any particular reason you’re going for 102, if you don’t mind me asking?

[–] avapa 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Das war soweit ich mich erinnere ein ’arald. Mit Weizenbier kann ich allgemein nicht so viel anfangen, aber die Mischgetränke von denen sind als leicht herbe Limos für heiße Sommertage echt ganz geil.

[–] avapa 12 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Ich glaube das Rockabilly-Ehepaar bei mir die Straße runter kommt dem schon recht nahe. Die haben alle ihrer FÜNF (!) US-Importautos vollgekleistert mit “Fuck you Greta”, “Grüne? Nein, danke!”, diversen Anti-Impfaufklebern, Südstaatenflaggen und natürlich dem eisernen Kreuz.

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