Very nice work and write up
My guy!
I'm assuming since they're electric it would be a little bit harder cuz it might be possibly soft for about needing a key fob or RFID etc etc
But I'm not remotely expert in these kinds of topics. Just a guess for me
Yeah and I watch that YouTube video about the kia boys.
Teenage menaces. Can't say I approve of their shenanigans, but there is a begrudging admiration there somewhere
Really cool movie thanks for sharing.
I've come across it time and time again.
Need to sit down and watch the whole thing one of these days.
While you do make a fair point...
I imagine the rules would be somewhat similar to my co-ed soccer rec league team. At least every third pass has to be to a girl etc etc.
There's ways to keep it competitive and fun for a co-ed non-contact sport. Not sure how that translates to any kind of professional setting though.
Well in that case....
scribbles furiously
Definitely making me feel some type of way.
Im fairly agnostic and plan to get cremated. But this poem is cool
Yeah that's what it is and not a bunch of conservatives being blowhards....
Get the fuck out of here with this shit.
Please enumerate these groups with special privileges & preferential treatment...
Oh wait that's right All of this is just the Ben Shapiro tactic of pretending to be philosophical while ultimately being unable to satisfy his wife.
This kind of thinking is self-defeatist.
Try to take the very good advice somebody else gave you. Or don't.
Waffling between whether it's tactical advice or a strategy is fucking bullshit
You make a lot of good points I'm in agreement pretty much all of it.
I also know we're on a doomed planet. Better put, we're on a planet that's heading for difficult conditions for humans for the next several hundred years at least.
I'm 30 years rn. I still plan on having kids. We're all going to die one day and honestly just the thought of blinking out of existence including me and my family and everybody in existence ever ( slowly, over the passage of time ofc ) scares me but we all know it's coming....
Where am I going with this? I think it's important to retain some sense of positivity as much as possible.
We're all going to die so I guess I'll just live well until I'm dead. Part of that for me at least includes believing that somehow someway were going to fix this problem.
It's a lot of copium tbh
I absolutely LOVE that I recall seeing this on r/wholesomememes
I remember thinking, even back then, that the sentiment was just a little bit weird
Not wrong.....
Just weird to expect that from someone you've never met before.