Lol, trash reasoning. "Extremists" that want to start building communities that dont require you to drive everywhere. Just because evs are slightly better then gas doesnt mean its good to keep making cars a centralizing point we build our society around.
joined 3 years ago
Pretty chill listen
Dummy Was my favorite. Followed by; Plastic Island, Champ (feat. Edgar Winter), Anxiety:Clarity (feat. Paul Williams) in no particular order.
With an honourable mention to Summer of Luv (feat. Unknown Mortal Orchestra)
I'd say as far as releases go The new Portugal. the man. Album will get a listen.
As for what else ill probably listen to Pda of course
That Squid album
Some Gojira
Love some good squid, although the blades is still my favorite off that album
Flamethrower is so damn good.
Gila Monster -> Flamethrower is peak
Heck Yah!
Thought we just dumped it all down the drain..