
joined 2 years ago
[–] aski3252 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

defended his going to Epstein's island.

Wait a second, are you just going to drop that without any further elaboration or source?

As far as I was aware, he knew him and he met with him a couple of times. His reaction to getting asked about it wasn't that great, but him "going to Epstein island" is a bit on another level, no?

[–] aski3252 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It’s not going to work

Of course it would, at least for some of them.. You can't seriously believe that people cannot change their minds, especially conservatives, who often only have their views because of living in a bubble.

whose purpose is to convert us from our “ways”

Let them try. Let them actually lay out and present their twisted worldview. And if you don't want to see it or hear about it, fine, block their space. It's much more likely that they will change than it is for a leftist to change because the vast majority of leftists are actually familiar with the right and their believes. The other way around is generally a different story..

[–] aski3252 1 points 3 months ago

I use and love debian a lot for servers because it is super stable and relatively lightweight, but I definitely would not recommend it for desktops/notebooks, especially not to people new to linux based systems.

It's super purist about foss, which means you only get free and open source software (no steam, discord, etc) per default and it uses an older kernel (which makes it more stable, but less feature rich and less compatible with new hardware).

If you use something like fedora, linux mint (as far as I heard) or even ubuntu, your experience would probably be a lot better.

[–] aski3252 2 points 3 months ago

On my private PC, I'm using a GUI/Mouse anyway (browsing, gaming, etc). I have to do 2 clicks to update.

If I use terminal, I have to open terminal, then I have to either login as root or run update as sudo, which means I have to authenticate.

If I already have an open terminal, I might be faster. Otherwise, I'm about as fast as with GUI. In any way, there is no significant benefit to updating software via terminal vs GUI, especially if you are an enduser who does not have significant experience with shells..

For many tasks I agree that a shell is better and faster once you have basic knowledge for it, but it is a reality that many basic users are not used to using a shell or are even scared to use one.. And at least since I've been use Fedora a couple of years ago, I think using a GUI for basic stuff is reasonably viable without having a significantly worse experience and not comparable with "not using all gears in a car".

[–] aski3252 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Ok so what exactly is the big advantage you get when installing updates from a terminal as opposed to installing it via GUI? If I read your analogy, one could think it is faster, but I don't think it is.

[–] aski3252 1 points 3 months ago

Even if it is, for whatever reason, not part of the repository you have installed, you can still go on steam's website and download the package from there.. In other words, the worst case scenario is literally the same experience as you would have on windows..

[–] aski3252 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I just wanted to install steam, but it wasn’t in the package manager list.

Maybe you used Debian, which only allows free software in their default repo? But then you won't be able to just install it with apt either. But even if it is not in the repository, you could still go on steam website and download the package from there, so literally the same experience as on windows..

You don’t have to do seriously advanced stuff on linux to run into issues without using the terminal.

Like what?

It’s not realistic that you don’t have to use the terminal on linux if you want to do any more than web browsing and some text editing, etc.

10 years ago, or maybe even 5 years ago, I would have agreed with you. Not anymore though, not if you use a half-way beginner friendly distro..

[–] aski3252 7 points 3 months ago (8 children)

We were talking about normal user stuff that normal users do, not "seriously advanced stuff".. And I agree that most normal users probably don't want to use terminals because they are not familiar with them. But normal users probably don't and shouldn't do "seriously advanced stuff", no?

Yes, if you are trying to do "serously advanced stuff" (whatever that means), chances are you will probably need a terminal (or a terminal will at least be easier), but you shouldn't be doing "seriously advanced stuff" unless you know what you are doing anyway...

[–] aski3252 25 points 3 months ago (15 children)

Unless you have a system without a GUI, you don't need to open a terminal in order to update or install stuff. There is a GUI for that. And no, you don't need to build stuff from GitHub for normal user stuff..

[–] aski3252 3 points 4 months ago

You own the license and can sell the license (generally), not the actual game. To use an analogy, if you buy and own a car, you could take it apart or replace any part you like, put the engine into another car, etc. You can't do the equivalent with a typical game and other propertary software, at least not legally, because you don't own it, you just own the right to use it.

Might not make a noticable difference to most people because most people don't do much with games/software apart from using it, but there still is a difference.

[–] aski3252 1 points 6 months ago

No I decide.

Keep telling yourselve that, my friend.

I’m minimum 12 weeks a year.

It was 4-8 weeks when I asked you, now it's 12 weeks minimum. Good for you.

Have no interest in hiring you.

Obviously I have no interest in a company as you work at, that's my entire point..

Look how you’re arguing about something you have no knowledge about.

I'm telling you that this concept of "unlimited vacation days" sounds like, in my personal view, a shitty deal.. As I told you, if you are happy with the deal, that's great, no need to get so fucking defensive..

Also pretty funny that you tell me about my work ethic despite not knowing me at all while complaining that I'm "arguing about something I have no knowledge about" 😂

[–] aski3252 1 points 6 months ago (2 children)

If I don't have my deliverables in then I would get terminated for performance.

Right, so you don't decide shit, your company decides.

It allows me to take off as much as I want.

Clearly it doesn't, that's the point..

How much more time does someone need?

In my opinion? At least 5-6 weeks a year, but guaranteed and enforced by law. More is a matter of negotiation. No paying it out (unless you resign), no saving it up for next year (apart from a few days), not counting holydays, illness and paternity.

We also have 9 months of paternity leave as well.

I don't get why you keep writing as if you want to hire me.. You don't need to justfy your working conditions to me, if you are happy, good for you.. I'm simply telling you that if it was me, I wouldn't trust shit like "unlimited vacation days"..

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