
joined 2 years ago
[–] aseriesoftubes 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

As a thin-skinned narcissist, Trump is emotionally dependent on admiration. He looks at authoritarians like Putin, Xi, and Kim, and he desperately wants what they have. How better to meet the need for admiration than to be a dictator that people must love and praise or else face the consequences?

By appeasing and palling around with these brutal authoritarians, he thinks they’ll help him become one of them.

[–] aseriesoftubes 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Can’t lose what you never had.

[–] aseriesoftubes 56 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Trump never planned to make an agreement with Ukraine. The agreement, as one-sided as it was in the US’ favor, was getting close to becoming reality, so Trump torpedoed it in order to appease Putin.

[–] aseriesoftubes 20 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Or if you want to avoid Big Tech altogether, there’s DigitalOcean, Akamai, Linode, IBM, Cloudflare, and a handful of other point providers.

[–] aseriesoftubes 105 points 6 days ago (7 children)

wE sHOuLD ruN tHE COUnTRY LiKe a bUSInESs!

[–] aseriesoftubes 38 points 1 week ago

They’ve been doing as much as they can, such as stalling votes and filing lawsuits. They have literally no power, so there isn’t much they can do short of committing violence.

HOWEVER, one thing they could be doing is more attention-grabbing stunts. The octogenarians in party leadership don’t understand that attention is the most valuable commodity these days. If they formed a human shield to block people getting into the Senate chambers to further delay Trump’s nominees, they’d get heaps of attention and far fewer people would be asking what they’re doing to stop the fascist takeover. At least their objections would be visibly plastered all over TV and social media rather than confined to the vote tallies in the Senate.

Down the road, when (or if) Trump needs to have actual legislation passed, he’s going to have a major problem in the House. The House Republican caucus can’t agree on what to order for lunch, so they’ll likely need Democratic votes to get any legislation passed. This is the only area where Dems have a modicum of power.

[–] aseriesoftubes 26 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

McConnell could have prevented all of this by rallying Senate Republicans to impeach in the days after Jan 6. If he had pushed, they would have fallen in line.

Mitch can fall down all of the staircases as far as I’m concerned.

[–] aseriesoftubes 14 points 2 weeks ago

The Gaza stuff is particularly troubling. I suspect he’s trying to provoke a terrorist incident in the US so that he can somehow set himself up as dictator for life. There’s of course no precedent or allowance for it in the law, but he’s been making it clear that neither of those things are going to stop him.

[–] aseriesoftubes 18 points 3 weeks ago

Be the change you want to see in the world

[–] aseriesoftubes 39 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

“Got mine. Fuck you.” - Elmo

[–] aseriesoftubes 9 points 3 weeks ago

Lil Marco is such a pathetic bootlicking weenie.


This Topton-brand mini-ITX motherboard on AliExpress seems like a pretty decent choice for an Opnsense/Pfsense-based home router setup. It has four Intel 2.5gbe ports, an integrated 10W TDP CPU, and way more storage options than necessary for my use case.

However, I’m leery of just about everything from AliExpress. In this case, I assume security is probably a distant consideration after function and price point.

Am I being overly paranoid? Are products like this riddled with back doors and other exploitable components? Has anyone else out there built a router using this board?


Is it a bad idea to recursively change the permissions for the /var/lib/docker directory? That directory is owned by root:root and the permissions are rwx--x---.

I'm hoping to be able to access my named volumes without using sudo so that I can easily back them up.

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