I was grandfathered into their oldest pricing model back when Google Play Music was at its peak, and now they're hiking my price too. I'll be glad to see the subscription go and use revanced, but I need a better music streaming platform that's 10 dollars or less
Hunt Showdown, which is probably the most fun of the PVPVE games I've played, but Tarkov, Sea of Thieves, GTA Online, anything that incentivizes other players to go after players instead of the AI
PVPVE is not fun. Pick one, is your game PVP or PVE?
I'm sorry, I thought this was a hot take thread
Star Wars:The Rise of Skywalker. I have never left a movie feeling like my intelligence was insulted until that movie.
Anything I want
I wish I knew they didn't come in S30V or anything when I got mine, I would have looked for something else since I had never heard of BD1N, but after carrying it with me for 2+ years I'm actually pretty happy with BD1N.
A good pocket/utility knife and sharpening set. You don't need to spend hundreds, but my favorite is my Spyderco Para 3 Lightweight. It has a 3 inch blade, weighs 68 grams, and it's made of BD1N steel which keeps an edge very well.
Based ol' bear
Not just the firing pin, but the side, barrel, and plenty of other parts on a Glock are not just metal but steel. The frame is the only thing that's plastic.
the most hilariously ill-conceived submersible ever spawned by man's hubris
The H.L. Hunley would like a word with you
Chuck Norris was the only one capable of ruining Chuck Norris facts
They don't