
joined 2 years ago
[–] antangil 13 points 1 day ago

Yup. keep your work life and personal life separate in interesting times like these for sure.

[–] antangil 32 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Also - unless folks complain, may put this kind of stuff in channel from time to time. Good to have a reasonably-anonymous forum for conversations that NOBODY SHOULD BE HAVING ON TEAMS. Teams chats are subject to govt review and FOIA requests, just in case y’all didn’t know.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) by antangil to c/nasa

IYKYK. We’re under a continuing resolution, so it’s not like there’s any money for buyouts, it’s not possible to pay what they’re proposing. It’s not severance, nothing about you getting to stop working but still getting paid. Be very thoughtful, talk to your union reps if you’re in a bargaining unit. Nobody be rash.

Edit: Link for interested folks - Reuters article

[–] antangil 3 points 4 days ago

Yeah I always find myself hesitant to put too much onto social media, especially in a sub with such a close relationship to my job. Wouldn’t want to say anything to compromise the projects I’m working on (or my career, given recent events). I’m around, just generally letting folks with the right amount of time and distance drive most of the conversation.

[–] antangil 9 points 5 days ago

Gonna sticky this for a day or so then let it go.

submitted 5 days ago by antangil to c/nasa

So… things are getting strange and unpleasant and unpredictable. I’m excited about discussion in the sub, good with disagreement, I think I’ve deleted like 2 comments in the whole time I’ve been here. Say what you want, by and large. But… I’m going to ask folks to assume positive intent and refrain from personally attacking folks. Not usually a problem here, honestly it’s pretty quiet, but I’m getting the feeling that quiet isn’t in the cards for the next few years.

Same rules that (usually) apply at the agency - you can disagree passionately, but ultimately we’re all on the same team and working towards a common goal.

Every once in a while the name in the news post is someone I know that’s being put in a really shitty position. Appreciate y’all understanding.

[–] antangil 6 points 5 days ago

You’ve got it right. She did exactly what she was told. Made no effort to reframe it in order to meet NASA comm expectations or traditions. No effort to convince NASA folks to comply. That’s not normal, and it effectively communicates that she was under duress… or at least given no real option other than resigning. I’d much rather have Janet in place than someone that really took that message to heart and tried to sell it.

[–] antangil 2 points 1 month ago

I am tentatively hopeful. It looks like he has some exposure to federal procurement via Draken. He doesn’t seem to be a shuddering asshole, which distinguishes him from a number of other potential appointees. As usual these days I would guess good for exploration, less good for other science. If the National Academies report is to be believed (and it should be) he’ll inherit a remarkable pile of infrastructure issues, a troubled Moon to Mars, and an increasingly disillusioned workforce. Should be enough to keep him busy, but they’re actually all issues that his experience could be relevant to… and it looks like he truly loves space, so that’s a huge positive.

So - more services contracts for sure. I’d look to see some really interesting hijinks from non-spaceX companies that are potentially about to get boxed out of NASA procurement; the existing fixed-price model seems to be something that only SpaceX can pull off, which is bad for competition. I’d look to see folks getting increasingly less excited about working at the agency - folks want to be rocket scientists, not contract managers. Curious to see if that’s a problem Issacson tries to tackle.

[–] antangil 10 points 2 months ago

The reason I am generally skeptical of the technology is the same reason I’m not going to try to give you a definition.

I’ve never seen it solve a problem or be proposed as a reasonable solution to a problem. What happens instead is that someone says “could we do BLOCKCHAIN for this, it’ll make it way more modern” and the subset of people that want to look really forward-leaning and cool say “YEAH”. If that subset of people is loud enough, a lot of money gets spent and a bunch of implementers have to figure out how to jam in something they can say is blockchainy… leading to a proliferation of definitions.

The results have been universally more expensive applications with fewer helpful features. I don’t like “blockchain” because everything that touches it gets worse.

[–] antangil 13 points 3 months ago

I bet the fine just offsets the cost of the prosecution, it’s not gonna be some settlement, it’s just “time and costs of the lawyers on our side”. Agree that if it’s meant to be punitive, it’s pretty laughable.

[–] antangil 26 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Nah. Folks are big mad because it’s exactly what we all expected when bezos bought the post. It didn’t immediately slide headlong into the void of bullshit pandering, so we developed a sense of false hope. Now it’s gone, we know it, we’re annoyed, and we’re mad about getting took.

[–] antangil 1 points 4 months ago

Got it.

Space weather is weather - just like on Earth, it’s subject to so many unknowns and unknowable that reliable predictions are somewhere between really hard and totally impossible.

So - on Earth we don’t try to predict the exact weather that a given building is going to experience before we build it - that’d be super hard. Instead, we look at the rational maximum based on what we have seen and add some on top as a margin of safety… and that’s where we get building codes. Same applies in space - we make some measurements and add a factor of safety to cover our uncertainty. We have the same idea of building standards for pretty much everything except, to some extent, radiation.

The problem is that nobody has really found a workable solution for radiation shielding other than the EM shielding effects of large planetary bodies (see: Earth) or “thick shells of dense mass between the sensitive stuff and the outside.” Dense dumb mass is obviously not a great answer because of the launch cost - some have proposed using water, but you’d need a lot to provide adequate shielding… basically, you need a thick enough shell to match the wavelength of whatever radiation you’re shielding from.

I saw something kinda cool at AIAA Ascend from I think UMich that was proposing to basically pump enough electricity into space that the EM field would generate radiation shielding, but that’s like TRL 0 and electricity is also not always easy to come by.

Anyways, since there’s not a good answer for handling radiation, there’s no “building code” and the level of precision on the radiation level experienced is kinda irrelevant from an engineering standpoint. We can’t effectively protect against any amount, so if it’s >0, we have a problem.

I’d also suggest that from a “routinization” perspective you want a consistent building code, not a precise answer - because weather changes over time.

[–] antangil 2 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Both things exist, certainly, but I’m not sure how I’d establish a common unit to describe a set of things that are mostly waves but with a few particles thrown in. It’d have to be some kind of total energy flux through a selected region of space for a given time, and it’d be super specific to both the region and the timeframe since a CME event at the wrong time would really skew your results… I guess it could be some kind of time-average? So the thing you’d need is a total annual average energy flux of both EM and particle radiation through a region of interest. Such a thing certainly could (and probably has) been measured, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it all combined. This is maybe a start? It at least has all the radiation information in one spot.

I’m not sure I understand the value proposition of having that kind of information if someone took the time to do it, but it’s a fun thing to think about.

[–] antangil 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (5 children)

So - there are two sources of radiation we think about. There’s radiation from our local bodies - mostly the Sun. The Sun radiates at least some across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, so the trivial answer to your question is “all radiation exists in space to some extent.” There’s also a general “cosmic radiation background” that is (we think) left over from the big bang. That radiation also spans the entire EM spectrum, but at a different distribution to what our Sun emits.

I’m guessing that the trivial answer of “all of it” isn’t what you want and it might be why you’re struggling to find the info you’re searching. Is there a more specific way to formulate your question?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by antangil to c/nasa

Okay, friends. In the spirit of “bringing stuff into the discussion that’s a level lower than press release”, here’s a presentation some of my co-workers authored for the International Astronautical Conference in Paris last fall.

The People

Michelle Rucker is the lead of the Mars Architecture Team - the group that is literally tasked with designing NASA’s approach to a crewed Mars mission.

Torin McCoy is the acting Chief Health and Medical Officer for the lunar-focused Artemis campaign, but he does some Mars stuff too.

James Hoffman has been around NASA’s Mars work for like 20 years. Couldn’t find a bio I liked, but y’all can trust me.

The References

You’ll want to have a few documents in your back pocket to reference as you’re reading.

The Moon to Mars Objectives are tough reading, and if y’all want we can do a deep dive. It describes how NASA is thinking about the things the agency (and all of the commercials and international interests) want to be able to do.

The Moon to Mars Strategy might be even tougher reading, but there’s additional context there on the “how”.

Some Thoughts

Take a look at the concept of operations. If you’d like, you can ask about other ways we might try to accomplish those objectives (can’t promise I can answer, but if NASA published it I’ll try to find it.)

Take a look at the surface mission, and think about the potential challenges of operating with those kinds of constraints. If you’d like, look at the crew recovery for a Crew Dragon and think about the impact of not having that infrastructure or expertise on the surface of Mars.

Think about the duration of the mission, and compare that to the shelf-life of things like food, medicine, and supplies. Forget about the whole space part… think about trying to go off-the-grid terrestrially and what you’d have to do to be successful.

Class is in session. Who wants to do some homework? 😄


I have been lifted from the depths of my despair by the responses on that other thread from our doughty band of lurkers.

Let’s see if we can ride this high for a bit. New question - what would you like to see to distinguish this community from a generic space community? I’m gonna throw out a couple thoughts based on things I could actually pull off. Interested in positive/negative feedback. Interested in “yes, and”.

Just to put a little structure on this, let’s make top comments suggestions and put feedback in the threads. 

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by antangil to c/nasa

Hey folks (if folks there be)! I’m one of the new mods for this small community. I’m not by nature a huge poster of content (too many interactions with STRIVES, too many briefings on CUI/ITAR/Limited Rights 🤐)… but I feel like y’all are even tighter-lipped than me.

So. I’m going to throw this post out, looking for signs of life. Interested to know whether there’s a niche this community could be filling, interested to know whether the content creators have migrated back to Reddit. Interested to know if there’s a feature or element of the site that is hindering participation.

If this goes unanswered, I’m probably going to propose to have the community eliminated (is that even a thing?) or taken private and held in trust for the next group that want to have a go. A dusty, inactive channel is a bad look when the agency and the world of space in general is so vibrant.



The link shows the mission and scientific goals of Russia’s Luna 25 mission. The part left out is the geopolitical statement… “Russia can still do Moon things.” Luna 25 is theoretically the first step in Russia’s crewed lunar lander ambitions.

submitted 1 year ago by antangil to c/nasa

NASA’s website has been kind of a mess for a long time, and NASAWatch’s lovable curmudgeon Keith Cowling doesn’t seem to think things have gotten much better.

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