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[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

You never said anything but posted a picture of Trump supporters and specifically cited the figures of Trump supporters. What you’re doing by denying that you were talking about Trump, ladies and gentlemen, is called gaslighting.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

That ship has sailed.

Trump will be elected because Biden is just so laughably bad..and it appears as if he doesn’t mind probably because Democrats would honestly rather lose to Trump than piss of their billionaire oligarch owners by giving constituents even a breadcrumb. We have two parties working toward the same corporatism and a bunch of frothing tribalists preventing us from coming to grips with that fact.

Haven’t you noticed that saying , “but Trump” allows Democrats to do WHATEVER they want. Ever since Trump appeared on the scene, Democrats have happily stopped listening to their constituents.

I have a feeling that we’re actually on the same “side” but your brainwashing (coupled with trauma from constant online vote-shaming) prevents you from recognizing it.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 months ago

You seeem to be able to correctly identify the problem as conservatism but have a hard time understanding that Biden is basically Reagan in almost every way other than the fact that Biden is to the right of Reagan on immigration.

[-] [email protected] -4 points 2 months ago

What conversation?

You implied that Trump will bring about the end of the world while everything will be sunshine and daisies if Biden wins (conveniently pretending that we don't have 4 years of each to objectively compare them). I posted to laugh at you and that I disagree and you simply coudn't take it and had to brigade me and call me names while not engaging me on any meaningful level. You're really not coming off as incredibly intelligent yourself.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago
[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago

I'm 47 years old. I have a Master's degree in software engineering and I have been homeless as of last year when I was priced out of existing anywhere but my 23 year old hatchback. I must be one of those outliers, huh? I must be an inconventient victim of neolberalism that could never happen to you.

I am much further along in my realization that electorialism is dead. There is not one person in the entire US government that can turn this around. It is too far gone. I'm sure that, if you were in my place, you already have come to realise how bleak things are. Stop being so smug and marginalizing those of us that are paying attention just because you fear being awakened from your privledged lifestyle. Electoralism isn't going to magically fix this shithole. Things need far more of a reset than voting will EVER accomplish.

Let me guess, you want me to get out and vote for Biden?

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