Maybe someone at work?
Great work, I’m in love with this app. Keep growing guys!!
De gustibus.
to infinity and beyond
Nel comune dove abito io non c’è questo servizio, sarebbe comodo. Può tornarmi utile per il seveso dato che è vicino a dove lavoro, grazie per l’info.
Lo strumento in quanto tale lo reputo utilissimo, speriamo che le allerte siano tempestive. Personalmente, abitando in Lombardia, mi affido molto all’app “allertaLOM”, voi come vi informate?
Congratulations, wonderful work.
Thanks a lot, you’re great
Always remember this fantastic app and the community behind.
Almost all traditional Italian food. Yes, I’m Italian.
Completely agreed. I’m coding a little bit when I was younger (about 20 years old) so I also know how is difficult to make work even little changes. These guys make a great work on Mlem.
Happy debian day!!