Honestly, keeping half is pretty good.
Hestenett er et forum som er fullt av diskusjoner om hver minste ting, stemmer det?
You need to consider anything and everything you post to the Fediverse to be part of a public, everlasting record. At least in it's current state, the Fediverse is not the place for privacy oriented users.
While Firefox was getting stale they invested in Pocket, and VPNs and stuff.
At least those products could have given Mozille a source of income in the long term if they became popular enough. Money that could have gone towards keeping Firefox going.
It's the only place I buy from now.
Been wondering this myself 😅. I only eat spicy food if I'm working from home the next day 🙈.
I feel like getting any big game day 1 is risky. I usually give most games 6 months to mature now.
Remember trying to get into Warhammer as a kid. Turned out I was absolute pants at painting and gave it up pretty quick 🤣
Wobbly Life looks great! Will definitely be checking out that one.
Same here. There's actually only 1 reddit community I still go to now, and that's /r/ROGAlly.
I just don’t like the “police” comparison. There are ways to motivate people to keep order without sending armed state goons to kill or imprison you.
I think weather or not this comparison is good or bad will completely depend on where you're from. The concept of police is good. It's how it's practiced that is either good or bad.
Well, that's just silly.