Then why did you buy it?
I didn't even know this dude was still around, let alone any sort of relevant
"Hey, can I use your phone for a minute?" "Sure, here ya-"
Your first mistake would be believing this has anything even renotely to do with cost reduction
I never watched the show (thankfully), but I always thought that having Trump ridicule/fire these people was part of the 'entertainment/joke' aspect of everything because he himself was widely regarded as a joke of businessman... person... Ya know, just a joke in general.
Imagine my surprise to find out - decades later - that apparently not everyone was in on the joke...
I think - for their own safety, of course - we should gather more of these Tesla vehicles together in a central location so they can be isolated from the population at large... Perhaps in some sort of tent-based accommodation?
I wish I wasn't (for a myriad of reasons, that being the least of which) yet, here we are
Or as I like to call it: The majority of my adult life
Don't forget Biden's son's laptop
Am Appalachian, can verify.
JD needs to go back to fucking couches instead of our country