Can someone tldr about the issue? I'm dumb?
As an ex-muslim, it is dishonest to say there no correlation between islamism and the arab 'palestine' sympathiser demonstrators. I would even estimate the intersectionalism between the 2 groups to be over 90%.
Feels like the preface intro to every south park episode.
What's upnote?
The NPU performance is very interesting on the 8G3. 20 tokens/s for Llama2 and <1s for Stable diffusion.
They control Gaza. Gaza get north of 700 million a year from the EU. Do you think it all goes to the citizen?
Shhhhh, we don't talk about the bad red. That's not real red.
I wouldn't call it a flagship, but Xiaomi 9T Pro is the closest you can get without a punchhole. Plenty of ROMs, and great gcam support.
Sony is very ROM-friendly. Main issue is price, which affects active development. My wishlist is similar to yours, I ended always going with Xiaomi. While their 7 days wait to unlock bootloader is annoying, the ROM scene is very active, with great GCam ports.
but since then vulnerabilities have still been found
After the war began, Telegram also agreed to send user data to Russian authorities when requested for it.
Do you have sources?
As an savvy ex-muslim, I can tell you that Islam is definitely a big reason. And partially because Islam by definition is an empirialist ideology, that festers in any nation like cancer. So you're partially right. But the opressed here (brainwashed really) are the one who are committing these atrocities.
How's the camera? Any gcams with good quality?