How to lie woth statistics at work
This. While the experience for Gaming on linux is still not perfect, or as easy as install and play, Heroic is a good start. It still requires configuration and many hidden configs are not always obvious for the user, but I managed to run every game I threw at it flawlessly so far. All AAA games, and games from 2000 (Hitman, C&C games, Jazz Jackrabbit etc..), GoW, Cyberpunk, Hogwarts, etc. On a RTx 2070.
I feel also the concept of "work" is viewed from employer/employee perspective, but I'd argue it should be viewed more from "useful” development one. Like reading a fiction book vs a non-fiction.
It's also crazy how there is this push from all OEM to remove headphone jack and force consumers to use wireless earphones, further making the attack surface much wider.
It's like thst new type of batteries that is revolutionary, but never turns into a product
Of course, it's even worse, I'm scared everytime I look in the mirror.
In 2017 I got myself a lenovo tab 8", Android 6, 3GB of RAM for less than 120€. Thanks to AOSP, I got it on Android 10, and it's still kicking 6 years later. Get tablets that you can own! (ie Unlock bootloader).
The reason I am asking, if you ever use AOSP on Xiaomi devices, stock camera is shit. You can't use Xaomi cam, so you'll need Gcam.
Dietpie is a lightweight debian not ubuntu. And debian is still one of the top choices (if not the) for servers.
Ubuntu is just debian with extra bad decisions.