nah that's ds lite
joined 2 years ago
*of the ones voted in the extreme weather
things that wouldn't do if you don't get paid for it
the haven't made enough money yet, it's that simple.
sounds like a great deal for doing literally zero work?
Russia. Putin use them to build his palace.
in 15 years when we can't grow bananas anymore this meme will finally die
nuh uh, he owes me 100 bucks
radiowaves are free, radio sets aren't.
yeah I'm done engaging, not about to unpack a lifetime of trauma in a few comments.
who the fuck is this we? who do you think you're representing? the justice league?
Jesus you're really no better than this murderous fascist.
human brain just wants patterns and will create it to satisfy itself. religion does not run counter to human knowledge, they're the same process really.