According to the article, the spaniards thought it was a big hill. Probably for the best because if they knew what it was they might have tried to destroy it instead (article also mentions they did destroy a different one)
joined 1 year ago
I think he's saying her behavior was bs, not the other stuff
quietly turns around
Oh i know that place! It's the corner bistro!
What's also funny is that capito is italian for "i understood." Like, he understood this would happen, and it was kind of the point
The word "sinister" is used to mean something evil and conniving, but it really just means "left," whereas "Dexter" is "right," but dexterous is now used to mean very skillful, agile.
Random encounters are a staple of Japanese rpgs, not rpgs in general (and also not all jrpgs have them). There are a plethora of rpgs without them! You will more likely see enemies on screen, and good rpgs allow you options to resolve things without combat (with some exceptions, like certain monsters).
I surprisingly had little issue with the GoW ragnarok valkyrie (i think 3 attempts?), solely because she had a similar kit to the valkyrie boss in GoW, and she took me far too long to beat (took me at least 6 hours).
I actually got some use out of that prior fight!