It would have cost you nothing to just not post this
Only financially. Put 2 and 2 together again...
why tho. money?
Se bullet 4. It takes a non-zero amount of effort. Keep showing up with only 1 effort just out of spite if you have to. But don't let it be zero.
How tiny? Inside earth tiny?
They're always followed by Monday
Of course there's a fucking statue
Meanwhile, in the engineering dungeon
Forgot your strippers and made due anyway
You'll never gues what I put off for a month because it locked up the device every time it performed one. Some karmic god is being a real Bitch today. Imaging a new sd card while I spin up rtl_433 on another pi to keep my dopamine levels up
Just attempted adding the mqtt addon to hass since migrating to a raspberry pi. Will only bootloop without ever providing a gui. observer shows all green when it is alive. Logs are unhelpful. I just wana sleep man.
11 known cases :D