i hope they sell conan exiles to someone else, because then the shitty monitization that is destroying the game will end.
So they are using redditors as human guinea pigs
i wish i could but its very late topnight, im making this comment so i can find this post later to make a full description.
Remember that protest voting in the primary doesnt impact the general election. you can vote against biden in the primary and for him in the general.
We do need to make a discord.
DMs in lemmy dont work well.
This needs to be done.
the community didnt vote on those rules though.
are you an admin?
i was personally contacted by the lemmyworld admins
Admins told me to inforce this.
yes, this is based on a subreddit. the issue is that i was banned from reddit for spurius reasons. so i cannot use that place.(though i still pull the strings).
ideally i want to work out a way to get this place to work. im not sure how but i would like to.