Pay this man
Hooray for people losing their jobs? Celebrating something like this is missing the point.
In reality this is some rich asshole arguing over pretend money given to another very rich asshole. The headline should be “board member who has way too much money sues Musk for money they would prefer be distributed to shareholders which includes them”. I’m probably missing something here, but anyone involved in this definitely sucks. Sure…Musk has no reason to be enriched further. In all likelihood neither does the person suing him.
Ooooh. My wife is apparently a comedy thief.
Done and done.
H2flOw (stolen from my wife)
This was my first thought. Seems unlikely. I’d see this just as likely being propaganda.
I like build and make things. There are often mistakes I made that no one else can see. For a long time that would really bother me, but that job was done and it was time to move on to the next thing. I had to change the way I saw those mistakes I made into evidence of where I had been and how I had grown. As long as I keep working at my craft and stay diligent, I can minimize my future mistakes while carrying with me the learnings from my past ones. I wouldn’t characterize your tooth as a mistake, but it’s a thing that happened that likely only you see (apart from your dentist I suppose - forgive the imperfect metaphor). It’s another part of the complicated story that is you, and that’s okay. Maybe if you’d like, it can become evidence of where you have been and how you have grown.
Keep your head up and be proud of the story that is you because it is you. I hope this finds you well.
It hurts me
That is super frustrating. Especially if the "service charge" isn't really going to pay the staff a living wage. I'd be curious to hear from someone that works in a restaurant that does this whether or not they are actually being paid better after it has been implemented or if it is just cash grab by the individual restaurant owner/operator. Any takers?
Is this legal??