Sweet, didn't realize it was on Tubi! Thanks, it's been on my watchlist since RedLetterMedia had it on Best of the Worst.
Fuck I hate this kind of comment. Not every one who disagrees with you on a company practice is a shill. In this case they even call it bullshit themselves, they are making a point about understanding what you sign up for.
Lmao, yeh it sounds exactly like what I thought it would be. Attracts a certain type of person and politics.
I would say just generalizing capitalism as 'bad' is also not in good faith. It is not without issues, and letting it be completely unrestrained would probably be disastrous. But no other economic system has lifted more people out of abject poverty or driven technological innovation as hard. There are benefits.
Bruh, I don't believe in late stage capitalism either but we are definitely living in capitalist economies in most of the world.
Capitalism isn't just laissez-faire, completely free market type stuff. It's a spectrum.
It’s not internally consistent to accept the limitations of modern medicine, and disregard them seconds later.
How am I disregarding them? I'm saying we should stay within our limits rather than creating a Frankenstein's monster that is a caricature of the opposite sex.
Also I'm taking so long to reply becawthe Lemmy hack fucked up my account.
You're the dolt lmao no one else has such a restrictive definition of the word. Context matters.
I'm tempted, but I've been using Spotify so long it's hard to make a change. I should look into it again though.
It sucks you got downvoted so much. It's a legitimate point, and it's unsustainable for YouTube to keep hosting so much content if people aren't subscribing and aren't viewing ads.