I can only describe my periods this way: like someone is twisting a serrated knife constantly in your belly (uterus). Up and down, left, right, up and down... It doesn't stop for 3 days straight...I'm really looking forward to menopause...no amount of painkillers help. But the chocolate and nice people does :)
That's a good take. It offers hope in times of desperation. A mental health solution would be better, but I'm told constantly that there's a waiting list of 2 years, even though my GP is trying his very best to get me into a program, sometimes a higher power is all we have.
That said, f*ck all the religious rules. Live your life and hang on, even if you have to believe in a unicorn.
It's better if they don't exist. Just believe that you are energy that can't be destroyed. That way, you'll live forever, like molecules or whatever. I try to think of it that way? Just cruising around the globe or visiting other galaxies? Onward to the next adventure? (Sorry drunkish)
I thought that too. But when my atheist friend lost her child, the only thing I could talk about was 'energy never gets destroyed and shit', just to keep her away from organised religion. Because her local priest already has made an appointment to speak to her and her partner.
Sometimes it is really about giving them comfort that their loved ones will be alive as long as they remember them. That's what I told her but I still feel shitty about it, because I hope there's something more for the innocents, but I don't think so.
That's interesting, do you have some reading/listening recommendations about it? I would love that. (Trying to figure shit out)
It's cool. I come from a religious background that I questioned all the time, even when my family focused only on teaching us the wholesome beautiful stuff, it's still hard to be on board with the rest or how other people interpret it.
So I've decided to quit. It's still hard, but I do still believe in a higher power. All the rest... I don't think God cares about head scarves or sex or alcohol,... Just live your life the way you want to and you'll be okay.
I'm so tired of this POS getting attention again. And I'm not even American. The amount of stress he causes me... Please let this end...
Also Belgium. The only time I had a gun was when I joined the Police for a few years. After that, nope. In my 5 years, I've never even had the thought that I should pull out my gun. I've served in Brussels and rural areas.
It was just emphasized so much during our 12 months of training to 'never ever use it unless it's your last resort, only pull out your gun when you're ready to pull the trigger' that it simply didn't cross my mind. We were more trained with the stick thing, 'job?' and judo, hand to hand combat.
Also, as a civilian you have to take an exam to own a firearm. If you have mental health problems or a record of criminal behaviour forget it. Even if you do get a license, you can only use it in a shooting range and specific situations. And never transport your gun and ammo together.
If you have a burglar, even then you're only allowed to use appropriate force. If he has a knife, you're not allowed to shoot him.
I don't agree with the Egypt part. It's a sovereign country and has the right to refuse to give up an entire peninsula of their land.
Israel is betting on them to open the doors so they can just take Gazan land like they want to. It's even pressuring Europe for weeks now to pressure Egypt. So there is a plan there and it won't be in favour of Gazans.
It's also a country that has its own shit going on. As soon as they open the border, the world will look away as if they've solved something and the Gazans will never have the right to return to their country because there will be no more Gaza.
You really get it lol. Also, hope you don't wake up on the first day of the periods. Or the 3 days before. Or the 5 days during the period and 2 days after :)
There is a site with all the RSS feeds from major news outlets. If you download the app Feeder you can add them and have an overall view. Problem is, there are more newspapers that don't support RSS anymore and it's a shame.
Thanks for these btw.
Maybe. But I'm a second generation living in Europe and my third and fourth generation cousins are still treated like a 'foreigner' so that's where my stance comes from.
But you make a good point. No one should be treated like shit.