If people want Elon out. This is the best way. Use him to insult trumps ego. He can’t handle it. His baby hands just won’t allow someone else to steal the thunder.
Time to start massive person loss lawsuits. Just overload them with hundreds a day.
Alternatives such as? I see people say his but none of the so-called alternatives have anywhere near the functionality or availability.
If they’re not liable for anything they do n office then, no they don’t have to obey anything. This one’s not very quick on the uptake.
Nobody ever fucking asks them who they voted for and why.
These kinds of people should just be fired…out of a canon…into the sun.
Uhh yeah. One day fucking one they shot a kid.
They said the same shit about writing, books, radio, and tv.
Ignorance is no longer an excuse. He even says it himself. “I didn’t look into any of it”. Then he lies about how he doesn’t watch or consume anything. He can’t even be honest with himself how is he going to recognize his own failures.
This author must be pretty dim upstairs if they’re only able to follow one fuckhead at a time. Getting real tired of those types thinking the rest of us are similarly short in the head.
That’s rich coming from “awkward gestures” BBC.