Media needs to start calling out the perpetrators by name. Gregg Abbot denied these legal citizens their constitutional rights to vote. That is a headline that will sink in and cause waves. This vague click baity bullshit keeps trying to hide the real truth.
West Taiwan big mad
No w where’s the oversight and charges against the city counsel members. Sounds like some other people do need to be in jail.
Turret flips are back on the menu boys
This has all the hallmarks of bean counters making decisions over engineers and market analysts.
Neener neener neener
This was absolutely expected. Nuclear proponents have been screaming this since everyone started shutting down reactors. The only thing unexpected is how short people’s memories are.
Space Dandy was not cowboy bebop. Good in its own right but not equivalent.
Now I want to hear from the Russian agency telling South Korea to calm their rhetoric after they announced they saw North Korea preparing for it. So someone can tell them to shut the fuck up next time.
He would have you killed with for these comments. Do you fucking get it
And thanks to the Supreme Court he’d be immune for it too. Not to mention his promise to END ALL ELECTIONS.
They need to start calling into question the competency of the person they’re interviewing when they refuse to acknowledge the things that are said directly to their face. ‘So since you’re incapable of understanding a direct statement made to your face I don’t think this interview has anymore merit. Would you please quote for us what trump said. Not what you think he said or what you want him to have said I want you to quote him. Here we’ll play it back so you can listen again.’ If they go off the rails just end the interview. It’s a waste of resources to continue.
TLDW/R: total bullshit. Like the needle broke off on the bullshit scale.