Cheers. All the best to you and your loved ones for 2024!
Yes I realise I'll have to make it clearer next time. Thank you.
I see. Really weird to hear about these old school boomers' mentality. I thought they were the minority because "why would I work for you if you say shit like that?" In the tech industry where I work this wouldn't fly. Or companies push for rto just to push people out. But I can now imagine how it can be in other industries.
Ah I see. Basically yes we have proper flexibility. There's encouragement to go in more but no "stick" (yet). Some are fully remote and doing well for example.
Just to clarify I'm not saying the productivity argument to force everyone back is valid. I think I'm just lucky to be working with reasonable people who value the flexibility of a balance of WFH and RTO. Managers and other staff alike.
Maybe I'm lucky to not work in such a horrible environment. Thanks for sharing. Why do people put up with it... I mean I know it's not always easy to find work elsewhere.
Yes I meant what you said, exactly. The part of the economy that serves business owners.
Would be good if they also force companies to support security updates for more that 5 years...
I don't need to change phone. I like my S10+. It does what I need. But I feel I'll have to change it soonish if I want to continue using for online banking etc.