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[–] Zeritu 38 points 7 months ago (27 children)

I'm not sure that I fully agree. I mean, to each their own etc., but what you're describing seems to be more suited for relationships without marriage. The whole idea of being married is that your discuss this stuff before your wedding and then don't just get separated because you "don't feel it anymore". The idea is that, if you feel like you drifted apart, that your work on that and don't just get out of that relationship on a whim. That's the promise you give. And even if you agree with your partner to just go separate ways (yeah yeah, consenting adults can do whatever the fuck they want, sure), a divorce has the significant chance to screw you financially for decades. I mean, I don't know how it is in the US, but I've seen too many people who got their finances completely fucked by partners that they consentingly parted ways with, who they swore would treat them fairly. Too many houses repossessed, too many careers ruined.

Is it okay to get separated? Sure. It's obviously also okay to remain close and support each other, of course. But this comic promotes a lighthearted approach to something that deserves a much more careful and serious take that I don't agree with. Those first few panels should have made them get counselling, not divorced.

[–] Zeritu 4 points 9 months ago

Sieht bei mir in der App nicht besser aus...

[–] Zeritu 6 points 9 months ago (1 children)

They also had Gorbačёv. It's not like all their leaders were psychos, it's just that when they get one who isn't, they hate him.

[–] Zeritu 8 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Germany only allows amber turn signals.

[–] Zeritu 5 points 9 months ago

I just love this story.

[–] Zeritu 1 points 10 months ago (18 children)

The oil industry has been rooting for hydrogen cars as their favourite alternative to combustion engines as most hydrogen is produced from fossil energy carriers. It's the oil industry's backdoor to remain the mobility supplier as methane based hydrogen dominates the market and will remain cheaper than green hydrogen unless the whole world agrees on proper taxes, which it won't. Hydrogen cars are emission free but hydrogen isn't. And while the same can be said for electric cats, the shift to renewable energy sources is already happening there and the higher efficiency already makes BEVs more environmentally friendly than ICEs, unlike hydrogen cars.

[–] Zeritu 4 points 10 months ago

Not just the US. There is essentially no green hydrogen on the world market, most of it is methane based.

[–] Zeritu 9 points 11 months ago

So good. So damn good.

Then they had a weird second half, an ending that explained nothing and left so many plots open and closed with a movie that was called "the plan" that revealed the cylons had anything but. I'm still mad just thinking about it.

[–] Zeritu 2 points 11 months ago

That... Actually makes sense. Nice.

[–] Zeritu 1 points 1 year ago

Armada does have objectives... They are worth quite a few points, but vessel point values are still translated to victory points, so objectives can only even out so much.

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