Apple is all proprietary anyways, so you shouldn't trust them still, even if they win this court case. I recommend using Librebooted Dell OptiPlex 780's or Dell E4300 Latitude's with Trisquel GNU/Linux + Tor Browser with Javascript disabled if your looking for the most privacy in your internet activites. You can do what you wish with this information.
That was not to be taken seriously, but I could see that in myself lacking empathy. I'll the advice regardless, because I did some self reflection and do think I'm lacking that part of myself. Thank you.
My family was actually apart of making the Soparanos 💀
I'm over 90% Italian, it was a very small town full of my relatives, that should pretty much explain everything without having to go into detail.
I agree. If it's not libre from the start, we should not trust it. The term "open source" is ambiguous; they could just put it under some restrictive open-source license and then revert to closed source later. If it's put under a free software license like the GPL, then I'll feel better.
Trust me, I have a good feeling that she told them. It's kinda obvious. But you're right, I don't know for certain. I'm just starting to feel like this is all too much for me, I have to study for my certifications for my next job, I don't have that much time to learn Spanish right now... If she hadn't told basically everyone, I would've learned for her.
Yeah, sure. The point is if she tells everyone someone will eventually find out and I feel like I will get in trouble. Workplace relationships are not allowed here and she doesn't seem to understand we have to keep it lowkey. Now that everyone knows, I feel like this is a missed opputunity for something.
GNU Boot is barely maintained. I would use Canoeboot instead, it follows the same philosophy GNU Boot does, and is way more up to date.
Just edited my comment. It's not a necessity for me, but would be nice to have. Thanks for the info!
I think we should attack this issue at the root. There are already backdoors in the devices anyway, so what's this court case really going to achieve? I get it, because it would be a known backdoor,, but think of all the nastier NSA backdoors that aren't disclosed to the public. We've lost already by the masses using this proprietary garbage. Schools have failed to teach libre software, this is one of the major reasons we're here in the first place.