
joined 2 years ago
[–] Zedi0us 4 points 3 months ago

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[–] Zedi0us 4 points 4 months ago

No click, when I yawn or swallow I do get a brief less then a second of muffled hearing. It's barely noticeable unless I'm actively trying to notice it.

[–] Zedi0us 10 points 4 months ago

Green, so many shades and hues. The colour of forests, grass hills, antifreeze... Calming, vibrant, sweet.

[–] Zedi0us 18 points 4 months ago

Doesn't sound like the worst way to go to be honest. Great addition to my tombstone "Zed went out with a bang, the downtown pub and surrounding city will never be the same"

[–] Zedi0us 16 points 4 months ago

Loose lips sink ships, loose ears live for years. Always wanted to try scuba diving. Used to sit at the bottom of a deep pool often growing up to see how long I could chill.

[–] Zedi0us 4 points 4 months ago

It's not really a concern I will end up speaking with an online doctor eventually. Currently on a 2 year waitlist in a small town for a family doctor no clinics in town. More wondering if anyone else shares this oddity. No procedures on my ears or respiratory tract. So pressure builds in the tympanic cavity or lower in the eutachian tube then releases though the membrane causing a popping sensation? Interesting. Thanks for the information.


My ears never pop or ever have in planes or going up or down hills in a car when other people's ears around me do.

I never feel ear pain or pressure during elevation or air/water pressure changes.

I've looked online for others like me but all I find are people who can't pop their ears and want to.

How is everyone else's ears popping and not mine? What does it feel like? Sometimes people say it feels good sometimes it hurts, I don't get it and when I tell my friends I don't experience ear popping I get looked at like somethings wrong with me.

Have my ears just evolved to release pressure without popping? (I know I'm stretching here but it would be fun)