Gold Silver and Crystal also! Pokemon OSTs in general are pretty good.
I was actually listening to the Gold/Silver surf theme when I clicked into this thread, it's pretty relaxing.
Gold Silver and Crystal also! Pokemon OSTs in general are pretty good.
I was actually listening to the Gold/Silver surf theme when I clicked into this thread, it's pretty relaxing.
It's probably the government-subsidized corn syrup but wheat works too
Is that... a countdown to the next holiday?
The point of the game is to shoot people with actual guns until you're the only person (or team) left. Is the word "kill" really where ESRB draws the line?? (not that I think fortnite should be rated R)
Why did I know exactly which video this was going to be before I even clicked on the link
Smh this is literally what switch statements are for
You're not wrong but it's not like it's unprecedented. North Korea already does this with Red Star OS. It's just Linux with a bunch of spyware and government tracking/surveillance on top (edit: it's also definitely not open source)
It won't be open source. Who's gonna sue Russia for license violation?
Me when Jia Tan's business enterprises didn't work out
This dog is in my nightmares
Smh, it's spelt vim
by the way
ELI5 for people who don't know what project sundial is because I didn't know about it until I saw that video:
In the 1950's the guy who invented the Hydrogen nuclear bomb made a theoretical design for a bomb that would send the entire planet into a nuclear winter. The bomb would be detonated in somewhere in the US because it was so powerful that both the US and whoever on the globe they were trying to hit would get destroyed either way.
Here is the video the meme is referencing: