
joined 3 months ago
[–] ZILtoid1991 1 points 4 hours ago

I noticed she not only have a fleshlight, but also a faint and very translucent navel.

[–] ZILtoid1991 1 points 5 hours ago

that genie is not going back to the bottle

IDK, but the anti-GMO movement managed to mostly put back a genie into its bottle. We just need to fight harder.

[–] ZILtoid1991 1 points 5 hours ago

I once did that, still was quite bad.

[–] ZILtoid1991 3 points 8 hours ago

Humans can write it too, you know!

[–] ZILtoid1991 17 points 1 day ago (3 children)

But then everything changed when the fire alarm community attacked.

Only the avatar can master all the alarm types, but when the wold needed him the most, he vanished. Years later he returned, and I believe he can finally save the world.

[–] ZILtoid1991 0 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Centralized platforms are also prone to the same kind of attacks. Kiwifarms and especially its users' offshoot Discord and Matrix chatrooms are good example for this. Hell, even 4chan was infamous for organizing troll campaigns, first just "4 teh lulz", then people turned the site into their personal army.

[–] ZILtoid1991 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Basically it is going the following way:

  • Company gets AI to do stuff.
  • Company fires its workforce.
  • AI isn't up to the task, and often disliked by people, see its unpopularity in the arts.
  • Company has to rehire staff, first to try to salvage the AI's output, then to just go back to the good old days of human creativity.

AI isn't magic, no matter how much techbros try to humanize the technology because NeuRAl nEtWOrKs.

[–] ZILtoid1991 3 points 1 day ago

There's a pretty good argument for that in a lot of other cases too, however those on the top doesn't want it, or at least not in a sensible way, see the whole "UBI through stock exchange" and "Universal Basic Compute" fiasco.

[–] ZILtoid1991 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

There's an AK-47 with the writing "This machine plays folk music".

[–] ZILtoid1991 1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Deal with them just like regular trolls. You shouldn't be like the Muskrat cultists who think content moderation is useless and thus should be given up on. I understand, I suffered from activism burnout on the regular (one was right in the middle of an election campaign), but one should not give up easily.

[–] ZILtoid1991 4 points 1 day ago

No shit Sherlock, a civil organization investigating corruption might uncover corruption that could influence the elections!

[–] ZILtoid1991 11 points 1 day ago

Fediverse game devs and artists are much better.

Here's the Mastodon account for my game engine is someone is interested: @[email protected]

I personally left Twitter, since it not only diminished my reach thanks to the implementation of Twitter Blue, but also was an increasingly toxic place (and it begin with being a toxic place in the first place, thanks to algorithms), which didn't bring the best out of me.


I'm getting back into playing guitar, but I want to skip on constantly changing tunings and strings for them, also I would like some octaver effect or something like that.

Rule people (lemmy.world)

Display of OpenGL context works fine on Windows, no issues with resizing. Function glViewport works as intended.

It only has issues with X11 on Linux (no plans yet to implement Wayland due to lack of free time). Resizing breaks everything, and it doesn't really work the way you expect (point of triangle moves down if you make it taller, etc). I cannot find anything on if I should call anything else besides glViewport, only that "you should use [insert already existing library], which will take care of this behavior". Others are suggesting me that it's an issue with my distro, but I cannot find any OpenGL testcase that is small enough to test on my VM or my Raspberry Pi to actually test whether that's the case.


When resizing an X11 window with OpenGL content, the image becomes garbled and certain parts of the window, usually at the parts that wasn't originally part of the initial framebuffer.

I couldn't find any documentation on if I supposed to call some extra functions when the window is being resized or not. I otherwise process that even as a system event, so it can be further processed by the program using my API.


I started to use Linux Mint on my VM, however it seems like it uses a different channel for packages, which means I get some outdated packages such as D compilers, which makes me unable to compile my programs.

While the D compilers have some userspace installer scripts, they're userspace only, meaning they need initialization scripts, which only work until the end of the given shell instance, which makes it particularly hard to use in certain contexts.

Is there some "untested" or similar branch to get some newer stuff? The compilers don't seem to interfere with anything system level, so it should be fine.

Capitalism rule (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 weeks ago by ZILtoid1991 to c/196

So far, Ubuntu 24.04 was an absolute nightmare for me. While upgrading to it in a VM, it randomly crashed, which broke the GUI. I had to go to the tty, and finish the upgrade that way to get back into GNOME. Then every time I launched its default file manager or its screen settings app (which became mandatory as it just randomly switched to 1280x800, thus making work a nightmare), it crashed so hard it took the VM host with itself.

Switching to VMWare, it was more stable, stable, but after the first restart, I get a lot of graphical glitches and a black background. Tried Kubuntu to see if it's a GNOME-related thing, but similar issues prevail, this time with a tanked performance until I switch to tty.

I need an easy-to-use and relatively stable distro, for compiling, testing, and rewriting software with GUI, thus I cannot use WSL on Windows 10. I want to spend my time developing, and not resolving bugs, nor with tinkering with the OS. Likely I will have to keep my primary development platform as Windows, and Linux does not offer me anything more, and "deploying/cross compiling to Windows" is not very feasible to me at the moment due to I'm writing my own middleware to interface with OS API, and I also want to test on native Windows rather than in an emulator. Windows 11 might push me in the direction to use a Windows installation inside a VM, but only if disabling telemetry becomes impossible.

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