Cool thanks! If it proves to be too burdensome, maybe keeping track locally? I believe that was how Apollo did it and Memmy does it now because if I switch devices, my read content shows back up.
My most important feature that only Memmy offers so far is mark read on scroll. I don’t see that on Mlem yet. Are there plans to offer it?
StoryGraph is great too.
Thanks! I dug a hole is an ugly weed garden that was growing there. I lined it with pond liner. Filled it in with rocks and plain peat moss (no fertilizer). Then planted them and ignored them for several years. I have a pump down there too for the fountain, but it’s hard to keep it unclogged so I rarely turn it on. Good luck!
Worked great for me too. I used to stink and sweat constantly. Then I started shaving my pits. Now I rarely use deodorant and never stink or sweat much unless I am exercising or playing a sport.
I love it! My favorite one so far. Looks very polished. My only concerns are 1) how do I get the images big like in your second screenshot and 2) please let me customize the swipes.
That’s a good question and I’m not entirely sure. I am just saying what they told me. Sorry!
I wouldn’t doubt it.
I know a software developer that worked for Ally when they were adding this. They all said it was a terrible idea, but were ignored. The reason they claim it’s needed is to track app installs that originate from an ad on Facebook. Since the App Store sits in between the ad click and App launch, there isn’t an easy way to track it without that. But, it shouldn’t be blocking you from logging in.
I played this version. I think it’s actually better than the Nintendo version because it has really fun 2-player modes that the official version didn’t have. My brother and I spent hours and hours playing it.