And she doesn't want to put the child up for adoption? That's valid. Pregnancy has long term negative health impacts. Morally, I'm not opposed to abortion. I know some people are. I feel like I'm unwilling to debate the morality while all the practical steps to mitigate the risk haven't been taken.
I would add, free, easily accessible sterilization should be the norm. I don't want more kids, so I got sterilized.
A person's body is their own. From the skin in, it's yours to do with as you please. You can't make somebody wreck their body or risk their lives to satisfy your morality. I'm willing to debate this issue with someone who has done everything I'm their power to mitigate the risk of unwanted pregnancy. If not, I assume they're just trying to control women's bodies in order to secure their place in heaven, because the rest of christianity is hard.