Ah, a min-max strategy!
I wonder how long I'll have to wait before I can get my hands on one... I've been wanting to upgrade my 1080 for a while now but first I couldn't get a 4090 or 4080, then I waited for this gen, and now this gen is a mirage for the time being. I really wish I could just go jump on an AMD card but I need the raytracing/CUDA for rendering/photogrammetry/stuff like that.
Only whales have a tongue big enough to test whether it still has a charge or not--they'll just have to train them.
I don't know what to call the styles currently on offer but the last time I checked out Target, Express, Old Navy I noticed a lot more muted color, dated thrift-shoppy aesthetic that I thought looked pretty wack. I'll leave that to the younger dudes with their mullets and mustaches (which I also do not understand)
Now we're talking. Yiume is definitely in the vein of what I want to see (owlohh was the complete opposite lol). I'm a rolled-up long-sleeve shirt kind of guy but I'm really digging these patterns. Love this cat print one https://www.yiume.com/products/mens-hawaiian-shirt-the-cat-that-kicked-cuju-cotton-camp-collar-short-sleeve-aloha-shirt
edit: Having scrolled through all their shirts, I'm glad they're doing that cat collection because almost everything else I was not vibing nearly as much as it much more standard "obnoxiously loud hawaiian shirt"--though much nicer designs than I usually see. Maybe what I need to look more for is artist collabs as they tend to have a little more soul than "here's another kitschy pattern of the same thing you've seen a dozen times before."
It's such a low stakes change but at the same time, like, why bother changing it at all.
Looks like you might be staying in the same apartment I did when I first visited Seattle. Great view, isn't it?
I love them. The inside of my mouth, not so much.
I let the intrusive thoughts win and hung my ceiling nightlight thing from the inside shower curtain and shower with the lights off. I find it more calming--not that I found found showers not relaxing before but feels like I'm shutting out the outside world more and that I find more relaxing.
I also have some of those bone conducting headphones that are waterproof so I listen to podcasts while I shower as well.
Huh, never knew the Soviets got churchills. 🤔
Some creators are a bit iffy on the models, usually because there's too much detail for the scale. It looks great in renders but it's almost unpaintable. Some others like station forge have got it spot on, though. Enough detail to keep it interesting without being an absolute pain to paint.
I have a pair coming up on at least a decade old at this point which astounds me since they're not a "nice" boot and only cost me about $100. I'm sure if I bought the same boot today I'd be disappointed in the drop-off in quality...