
joined 1 year ago
[–] Yellow_Cheese237 19 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)
  • General Hummel, The Rock

His only demanding was the compensation of families from fallen soldiers that were under his command.

  • The machines and agent Smith, The Matrix

In the Animatrix we get the explaination that men made the machine that eventually enslaved them. The machines developed consciousness, were trying to life peacefully next to humanity, but humanity eventually chased them out. While creating their own colony even then machines were chased by men. So fight to survive and eventually supress humanity by creating 'The Matrix'

[–] Yellow_Cheese237 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What will happen if Wagner is trying to destabilise things near the Poland-Belarus border or do activities that normally would been seen as an act of war?

Would NATO see this as an attack from Russia and/or Belarus or would they say it's a private army/terrorist group that is not connected to a country and let Poland handle it?

[–] Yellow_Cheese237 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

On his subsequent voyages he went farther south, to Central and South America. He never got close to what is now the mainland of America. Wikipedia

[–] Yellow_Cheese237 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (9 children)
  • Jewish slaves build the pyramids.

They were build by Egyptians, probably out of loyalty to the pharaohs.

  • Columbus discovered America.

He never reached the mainland. He didn't go any further then the Caribbean Islands.

[–] Yellow_Cheese237 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Wat je over het algemeen minder goed vindt aan Nederlandse auteurs, vertel je er niet bij. Daarnaast blijft het subjectief wat goed/slecht is. Om die reden wat boeken uit verschillende genres genoemd die ik recent heb gelezen.


Omdat je in je lijst 'Het best verkochte boek ooit' en 'De meeste mensen deugen' noemde, moest ik aan dit boek denken. De titel zegt het al..


  • Hex, Thomas Older Heuvels

Over een dorp in Berg en Dal, een vloek, een heks die spontaan in iemands huis kan verschijnen en jongeren die hiermee viraal willen gaan. Het eind is een groot horrorfestijn. Leuk feitje: de plekken in het boek kan je in het echt bezoeken.


  • IV, Arjan Lubach

Op een spannende manier meer te weten komen over hoe onze democratie tot stand is gekomen. Een pagetunner! Beetje in de stijl van Dan Brown geschreven.


Lachen met oudjes, terwijl er ook een serieuze ondertoon aanwezig is. Over een groot geheim van iemand en of je dit nu wel of niet moet vertellen. Over wrok die je uit het verleden kan meenemen en de impact ervan op het heden.

Mensen roddelen en liegen maar. Deze jongen besluit om alleen maar de waarheid te spreken, want iedereen wordt maar verdrietig van geheimen.


Een boek voor een stuk bewustwording, omdat we veelal op automatische piloot leven, we vaak minder in verbinding met de ander en onszelf staan en omdat iets dat was, niet nogsteeds zo hoeft te zijn.

[–] Yellow_Cheese237 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hunt: Showdown!

Exploring the Bayou in my holidays. Enjoying to play in different day- & weather type and it looks nice.

[–] Yellow_Cheese237 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

While there's some good advice from others, there are moments you want to have a cheat day like once a week.

When you allow it to treat yourself and eat chips, you can choose for some very hot chips. Put it in a small bowl (to limit the snack), take one at the time (to slow yourself down) and suck on each part when you eat it. Before you know you it you'll drink more and the hotness will slow you down or even lets you stop eating more.

[–] Yellow_Cheese237 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Seen all kind of horror movies. These are some of the movies that came up to me:

  • Vacancy, because it's something that could happen in real life. Makes you think twice to get a motel.
  • 28 days later, because running zombies combining with awesome music makes an intense movie.
  • The Thing. For me one of the greatest 'who-is-it'-movie.
  • Rec Another movie with running zombies. This time you'll feel like you're one of the survivors.
  • What we do in the shadow. More comedy, less horror. Nevertheless, i didn't knew anything about it, watched it and had a great laugh.