
joined 2 years ago
[–] Wxfisch 4 points 2 weeks ago

Agree 100%. Most of the former Plex users turned Jellyfin users I have come across did so better Plex was broken in some way for them. For me it was the general lack of care in creating/maintaining a good Apple TV app. Over the past few years it's just gotten buggier and buggier with a lot of complaints on the Plex forums where devs would essentially stop by to say they weren't working on any fixes.

Jellyfin doesn't fix 100% of the issues, but at least there is active development on Swiftfin that showed a desire to fully support all devices.

[–] Wxfisch 8 points 2 weeks ago

Honestly, the majority of key points to talk about can be found online from respectable sources (for example, this article from Johns Hopkins, though there are many others). There is a better than even chance he has shady looked up the "Is this normal" stuff himself if he has normal internet access.

From a social standpoint it's going to be different for everyone, teenage years are hard and kids are often cruel. I'd advise to just be there for him on this front, but don't be pushy. He is going to be moody, lash out sometimes, and act differently. That is all normal. He is going to want to push boundaries and get in trouble (rather do things that will get him in trouble, most folks don't actually want to get in trouble). Give him safe room to explore who he is and to try new things without letting him fall down too hard.

Lastly, you say there are no trusted male figures in your life, but that doesn't have to be family. Good friends can also fill that space. I have to imagine there is some guy in your life that could have heart to heart, even just with you to then talk to your son. It's worth trying to broaden your expectation of what a trusted male figure is perhaps.

[–] Wxfisch 4 points 3 weeks ago

I have done this for our past two moves, and now that we own a house I keep them in our non-climate controlled cellar off our basement. My wife thought I was crazy until we moved and had good a good way to move a bunch of stuff.

[–] Wxfisch 2 points 4 weeks ago

You are grossly overestimating much of this capability I assure you. As a contractor under NNSA (though not working directly with the offices these folks would have worked in) a few things I am very confident in: they all had work issued cell phones, the majority did not have a personal cell phone, and the emergency contact info was likely out of date since it would be on the employee usually to update it, and who actively goes into the HR system to update info like that when you've worked somewhere for 15 years?

I'm sure some are also just actively ignoring attempts to contact them, I know I would in this situation.

[–] Wxfisch 11 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

Arugula is known as Rocket in most of the rest of the world.

[–] Wxfisch 5 points 4 weeks ago (11 children)

Cilantro is the herb, coriander (seed) is the spice/dried powder. Often you can tell by what you are making and how it's being used/added, but typically they are differentiated as above in American recipes.

Genuinely confused as well about the pepper, a bell pepper is a pretty universal name for it as far as I knew. Folks also refer to them as green/yellow/red peppers here, or sweet peppers occasionally (usually when used in Italian food), but bell pepper is the generic name.

[–] Wxfisch 16 points 4 weeks ago

Sure, but not wanting to go through withdrawal is different than being unable to stop taking a substance. In this case it's doubled because for most people SSRIs help them feel and function better and can have strong withdrawal symptoms, so most people wouldn't want to stop taking them because they are helpful and stopping sucks, not because they have a chemical dependency on them.

As someone on an SNRI for ADHD, I don't want to go back to how things were before I started on medication, and stopping taking it can be unpleasant to a degree (not to the same degree as an SSRI, but they work in similar ways in your brain).

Junior here is just being malicious misinformed and cruelly telling folks with metal health struggles that they just need to work harder to be happy, ignoring settled science showing that the vast majority of mental health dusorders (and neurodivergent disorders for that matter) are tied to physical and chemical differences in the brain compared to typical individuals.

[–] Wxfisch 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I would guess they are looking to use it with pagent to support login with PIVs which is likely required by the servers they want to access. It's a pretty standard login setup in federal IT honestly.

[–] Wxfisch 23 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah, I grew up in that era as well, and was one of the kids in middle school funneled into a GT class. I enjoyed it of course, but it for sure contributed to masking my ADHD until recently and that was a real kick in face.

[–] Wxfisch 77 points 1 month ago (4 children)

The school district where I live straddles a wealthier, predominantly white area and a poor, predominantly black area. The idea when it was formed was because rich parents want good education for their kids, and contribute more taxes via bigger homes, the schools could provide better education to the poorer areas and over time help to improve the socioeconomic balance.

In reality, all the rich parents around us just send their kids to Catholic or charter schools, which fungus money from the school district which makes it unable to provide a decent education at all, screwing over the poorer area wise than if they had two different school districts (since the public schools need to have the capacity to in theory at year accept all the kids in the case none went to charter schools). Just more proof voucher programs are racism by another name.

[–] Wxfisch 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I don't know where "here" is, but do you mean DDT? DEET is used in insect repellents but it's rare to find contaminated soil with it.

Additionally, dilution is the solution to pollution. It's really common to mix uncontaminated media into a contaminated area to make levels safer. Especially when you can't truly clear away contamination for whatever reason, lower the relative amounts in the environment at that location is an accepted way to make it less impactful (and depending on the contaminate can made it truly safe).

[–] Wxfisch 13 points 1 month ago (3 children)

IMO hobbies are different. I do a hobby because I enjoy the activity, but it doesn't necessarily give me purpose. A job (or more specifically a career) gives me purpose even if I don't always enjoy the day to day work. At a higher level I do enjoy my job, and it gives me a reason to get up each day and tackle problems I otherwise wouldn't seek out.

I've often said if I won't the lottery and didn't need to work to survive, I'd still take a job (or at least full time volunteer) because it's not natural to sit around and just do whatever activities attract your attention each day. It's important to be challenged and pushed to do things you otherwise wouldn't tackle.

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