That's pretty much how it goes. For the first few months you find yourself in line without a bag, so you pay an extra couple bucks. Now I've got enough reusable bags in my car it's not a big deal anymore
Sounds like someone's got a case of Jebaditis
Last month, Wells Fargo reportedly fired over a dozen employees for using tools that fake productivity at work.
Wells Fargo has approximately 194K employees as of May 2024
So 0.006% of their employees?
I have to imagine there are times they come across a bill collector or someone either doesn't know their job or just doesn't give a shit and lets them off the hook.
You're working at Comcast in the collections department, you're having a shitty day and an envelope full of legal looking papers comes across your desk saying to void a $300 bill? Fuck it, push the 'void' button and on to the next one, who cares.
No kidding. I picked a random city in Michigan, found a nice house, new build for $390k. Mortgage is 2,652/month, which leaves $75,176 for necessities. Barely $6000/month for food, electricity and the lease on two lexii? That's not living
Ok, even if I take out income tax with no tricks to bring it down, take home is 160k. 80k/year on necessities, 48k after housing is taken out. 4000/month for utilities, food, car and gas? There's no sense breaking down a "comfortable" budget of necessities after that, this whole thing is out to lunch, as far as Petoskey Michigan is concerned
I'd guess Heart Shaped Box and About a Girl, for starters
I just checked back and that picture is gone from the article. It had a crowd of people with 4 or 5 if them holding up signs on what looked like printer paper with messages like "protect our students" but the signs and fonts looked unnaturally crisp, almost like a meme template
I don't agree with his Bart-killing policy... but I do approve of his Selma-killing policy
Why does the picture in that article look so fake? Is it just the lighting? The signs look like a terrible photoshop
I found it to be saccharine garbage. I struggled through one season because I always heard good things and I truly hated it by the end. It's on the level of Paw Patrol for dramatic tension
Is this the episode where the kids get put into foster care and they're placed with the Flanders?
I don't think there's anything inherent in construction that is causing a higher suicide rate. Construction labourer is a job just about anyone can get and male dominated.
I've hired some people who seemed like they weren't in a great place. It's low skill and it doesn't hurt to take a chance on someone and hope the stability will help get them on the right track.
I haven't had any coworkers take their own lives, but I could see someone at the end of the rope being more likely to find a job on a construction site instead of a dentists office