
joined 1 year ago
[–] Wooki 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Lol “days”

.net can compile just fine without it. Or choose one of the far more popular non Microsoft languages that wont have the problems expected simply because vendor lock in. If you are developing on .net your code is obselete with 15 vulnerabilities the day you release.

Skill issues.

Step away from the coolaid, take a step back and explore the industry at large

[–] Wooki 2 points 4 days ago

Read the comment and reply to it, you missed the entire point of their comment.

in civilised countries

[–] Wooki 3 points 4 days ago


Microsoft can only operate as a franchise overseas. You know this thing called trade law in other countries. Contrary to popular American belief, they are not the center of the world

[–] Wooki 1 points 4 days ago

Apparently it was wasting time trying to circumvent a product built to steal IP and invade privacy. Every update will reset any customisations and plenty have ignored group policy. Microsoft are implemtning access controls that will also remove the ability to customise as deep as you have been (kernel level protection) so bye bye admin rights.

You want a declarative operating system? NixOS. It will change how you approach templating and the standard environment.

Its config language and structure doco is annoyingly lacking but the community fills the gap with the added benefit of everyone sharing configs. Its also 2024, Linux is vastly different than it used to be. Hell nvidia is stepping up because cloud AIs..

[–] Wooki 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

Love how you cherry picked a bunch of old news not relevant . Its 2024, not 2003.

Development experience in linux is significantly better. Get off the cult and join the overwhelming majority industry which is built on it. Your skills and IP will be better off and protected for it.

If the microsoft product teams can develop on macbooks you bet your arse you can develop for any platform on Linux, and frankly most cloud platform preference opensource. Skill issue.

[–] Wooki 2 points 5 days ago

method exists, but the trait bounds were not satisfied

[–] Wooki 9 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

If you HAVE to use the toilet of an OS. Use a system(machine) startup script that runs a cleanupon every boot. Its a hot mess solution to a hot mess OS. But at the end of the day they cannot be trusted and changes are coming to windows access levels which will prevent the cleanup of “essential” apps, services, and configurations.

So switch to Mint.

[–] Wooki 68 points 5 days ago (14 children)

Microsoft is getting desperate to steal your IP so they can train their AI.

Can someone sue the living shit out of them and start setting precedents please and thanks.

[–] Wooki 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

lol fresh food is like all public health and wellbeing is non existent unless its been heavily industrialised to make as much money out of it as possible.

[–] Wooki 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Its l worse than that, its got nothing to do with replacing humans. Its entirely Venture Capalist porn full of hot air. Truely amazing how much money is being wasted on a word predictor.

[–] Wooki 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Wisdom implys it has intelligence, it does not. It’s a word predictor.

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