Remember article 5 of NATO, an attack on a member is an attack on all members! We must show support for the trans and gender nonbinary communities while we organize with the hope of flipping the legislature in the midterms two years from now.
We don't "get" tech anymore. Tech happens to/at us. We are already getting AI generated ads. Where are the AI based ad blockers?
I'm tired of fighting GNOME 3 to make it feel like GNOME 2. My next reinstall is going to be KDE. I just want a traditional desktop metaphor. 😩 Next major overhaul Kubuntu here I come!
I over heard my friends saying that they think someone in our group is gay. I hope it's Tim. He's cute. 😉
Where should I hide my pr0n? Dm-crypt? The safety passphrase is BSDjailMeDaddy.
NBC's coverage only detracted from the ceremony. They cut most of the fashion show. And the hosts did nothing to explain or put the various acts in cultural context.
For those who don't like the queer fashion show, no one is forcing you to watch it. It's a cultural expression of the host country. It's like going to Gramany and hating the beer or the Netherlands and hating the tulips.
I refuse to install IG on my phone and instead use Firefox on Android. I keep getting warning messages about suspicious activity on my account. I've even changed my password to make sure nothing else is using my account. I think their bot detection or something similar keeps flagging my sessions. I mostly lurk on IG but I can tell you I am quite human.
No! I told you have AVIAN flu! This is how "the Crows Have Eyes IV" starts.
Why did the hacker leave their purple dildo out on their desk? Awkward 😬
American here with asthma. I can buy my inhaler over the counter for about $6 a canister in Mexico. I needed some more recently so I went to the local pharmacy with a prescription and it was $95 for two canisters with my high deductible insurance! The pharmacist looked up the cash price and it was $50! Why the higher price? The cash price doesn't go towards meeting my deductible. The insurance company is supposed to be negotiating on my behalf! Where is the "efficiency of the private sector?” Healthcare and insurance are broken in this country.