
joined 10 months ago
[–] Window_Error_Noises 1 points 2 weeks ago

Can Elmo be in the role of Harker, with still somehow a better accent than Keanu Reeves, even with his Elmo voice?

[–] Window_Error_Noises 7 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

My new therapist's office sets a recurring bi-weekly appointment for their patients, which I find fantastic, and it's been a great start, but it's still relatively new and we're getting familiarized enough to work out a specific treatment plan, so every two weeks, she'll open with a genuine: "How are you?" and it's a toss-up in my head between: "Are you sure you wanna know? Or should we get shit done..."

[–] Window_Error_Noises 10 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I wish he'd also called it planet Thagomizer, instead.

[–] Window_Error_Noises 1 points 3 weeks ago

Can confirm, unfortunately. We're not laughing, but we are relieved.

[–] Window_Error_Noises 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I just keep it to my phone, and have an app timer set for 1 hour +5 minutes. It's nice if I'm at home, I know it'll cover my daily walking steps, as I pace donuts around the house, which also gets me off my ass and moving, so when I want to browse Lemmy, I try to do so whilst pacing. Regardless, when I get the notification saying the app will shut down in 5 minutes, I know how long I've been on, and kinda do a self-reflective check on how well the time was spent.

If I'm writing a comment that will take time and attention, though, I often just switch to a note, and copy/paste, cause I'll work on something like that for much longer, before often deciding not to post anything, at all. (งツ)ว

[–] Window_Error_Noises 3 points 3 weeks ago

Durka! I thought about his character, too, but I couldn't remember the actor's darn name, or character name, only that he also fucked up Moya and her crew, lol. I can absolutely see their resemblance, most definitely. So many menacing pale dudes in great sci-fi shows

[–] Window_Error_Noises 1 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Are you maybe thinking of the also fabulous Wayne Pygram (Scorpius), or Shane Briant (Kaarvok)? Cause Steven Berkoff (Hagath), even though he would've fit right in, wasn't on FS, unfortunately... Unless there's a joke or another reference which I'm missing, which is also 100% possible, lol

[–] Window_Error_Noises 6 points 3 weeks ago

Gosh, this is practically audible! It hits some wonderful centers in my brain - your methods, efforts, and the further information you posted give that much more to appreciate. Thank you for sharing!

[–] Window_Error_Noises 3 points 3 weeks ago

Flirtinis, all around!

[–] Window_Error_Noises 5 points 4 weeks ago

Also anxiety/guilt paralysis mellow...

[–] Window_Error_Noises 4 points 4 weeks ago

That whole "windshield" is a Cylon eye, photographed between red light swoops...

[–] Window_Error_Noises 8 points 1 month ago

"Two cars in every garage, and three eyes on every fish!"

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