*yippies in image processing degree
Rip my image
He survived the crash, and on the way to the hospital he fell out of a window.
If i cant access their gardening community from here i will literally kms. 😭
No it hurts everyone over some random shit no one cares about. Just dont do it. It just drives users off to the least restrictive instance.
Shoulda put chrome on the tank and manifest 2 as the car
Whats wrong with that?
2.25 Terabytes per second for regular use? Thats actually not that bad considering its the entirety of steam. I kind of want to see those numbers for youtube.
Id argue that serving alcohol before beeing allowed to drink it has an educational value. They will see what it does to their customers. Also its not like they will start chugging orders.
Just as beeing able to drink BEFORE you can drive is better