How sad for her family. I liked her in party of five (?) and eurotrip.
This makes me want to get my titer drawn for sure.
I was really hoping that area of the texas NM border was isolated enough that it would stay contained :/
End up like AOL and get big enough to buy time Warner and make a lot investors very rich? I feel like your downplaying the success of aol. Last I heard that whatever was left of them in Yahoo was supposedly still making money.
Cool recommendation. I like my moka pot and am alwayslooking to improve my output.
I recommend the Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson. The first book deals with the ethical dilemmas of starting a Martian colony and the subsequent books spin the conceit further into the future.
You seem like you've thought this question out from several different angles so I think you'd enjoy the way Robinson describes the various consequences of competing goods.
Everybody wants to go to heaven. Most people don't want to go today.
The anchor points are usually in the bed or the side of the stake holes. On my truck (half ton dodge) none of the places to tie on to are visible.
"We have a messaging problem." - Dems refusing to understand they are losing a culture war against clowns.
You don't say your weather conditions but for legit cold I like ski gloves and liners like the other poster said. Otherwise I have some Scott leather gloves that i wear for xc skiing that work well down to the low 40s. I also have some down mittens, OR maybe, that are great and I can use brifters but they tend to be too warm unless it's really cold
Section 230 is good overall I think it just shouldn't apply to anything sorted by engagement or not clearly defined and auditable. Section 230 makes sense for Craigslist but not for Facebook/Twitter. If a site has a "suggested posts" section or "you may like" feature they should be treated as publishers and not protected.
Legit chuckled. Democracy Dies in Darkness indeed :/