
joined 1 year ago
[–] WhiteOakBayou 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I went through something similar and had my blender sitting for a while. Then I had kids and decided to get on the smoothie train again.

What I found regarding blandness was never add ice, never add water. Use whole milk or heavy cream or half and half. Unflavored yogurt is good and tastes like fruit when blended with frozen fruit. Bananas turn into a smooth thick liquid when blended. Frozen Bananas are often recommended but don't help texture as much.

To summarize, frozen fruit is already bland and cold, don't add water or ice. Skim milk is water for this use case so avoid it.

[–] WhiteOakBayou 11 points 2 weeks ago

The real golden path was all the planets we subjugated along the way

[–] WhiteOakBayou 15 points 2 weeks ago

These internet chocolates never contain mushrooms according to everyone I've known or read about who have had them. If you're lucky you get 4-aco-dmt which is safe and hard to tell apart from the real thing. This is an unregulated market and no one else cares about your health. Be careful out there.

[–] WhiteOakBayou 5 points 2 weeks ago

If I look through the big hole in the bottom I just see two points of light. Down voted.

[–] WhiteOakBayou 3 points 3 weeks ago

I've played and given up the mandolin several times over tge past several years. Longest continuous before now was maybe three months. What I've learned through my own learning process is:

  1. Practice in time. Even if it's slow.
  2. Playing with backing tracks helps a ton
  3. Posture is key. On my current streak of playing I was able to go from playing the melody of kids songs to the rhythm of some grateful dead songs (at 80 bpm instead of 140 bpm) after spending time watching videos of how to hold and sit. I then had to relearn all my fingerings but it didn't take nearly as long this time.
  4. Sucking is just part of learning anything new. I guess one either enjoys the act of improving independent of the current result or one doesn't.

Post script: The reason I quit when I do is because I become frustrated with plateaus. I now believe a lot of these plateaus came from bad mechanics. My pinky could not reach the 7th fret no matter how much I practiced. I could not switch chords without destroying my rhythm or muting extra strings etc.

[–] WhiteOakBayou 2 points 1 month ago
[–] WhiteOakBayou 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

What bands do you recommend that are of the newer style?

[–] WhiteOakBayou 5 points 1 month ago

His show had an episode with a mom trying to drink like her college daughter. The mom starts going out most nights, eating like shit and feeling bad during the day. The part that has stayed with me for almost 20 years is how the mom was definitely having a good time towards the middle of the month. When I first saw it I was a little younger than the daughter and now I am a little younger than the mom was at filming. When I question if I should start drinking more again, I think of that lady and say "Maybe."

[–] WhiteOakBayou 1 points 1 month ago

Free at point of care but taxpayers pay for it

[–] WhiteOakBayou 5 points 1 month ago

MAGA communism is when instead of returning the means of production to those doing the work one just starts a authoritarian state capitalist regime. I don't think the government funding gyms is some terrible thing but it won't stop the "feminization" these people decry.

[–] WhiteOakBayou 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

String arrangement of Weezer's "Say it Ain't So"


archive sad to see this happening here. Roving gangs of youth harassing the homeless with support from the local government should worry everyone.

Beeper Mini is down (self.android)
submitted 6 months ago by WhiteOakBayou to c/android

Well it was a fun few days but beeper mini is down. Someone supposedly affiliated with the project said on reddit it was on Beeper's end but people testing it say Apple has blocked something.

Ontario RAT II (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by WhiteOakBayou to c/pocketknife

Been my EDC for about two years. Holds an edge well and all the mechanical parts are still tight. Recommend to anyone looking for a budget knife but not gas station knife. RAT II


Sort of hit piece against DeSantis by members of his own party who support Trump.

Archived Link


Breakdown of known information regarding possible Georgia indictment.

Archived Link


archived Link

Time to expand the House.


Reports of Oath Keepers in the Department of Homeland Security and Border Patrol officers collaborating with militias continue to concern Congress.

Archived Link

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