
joined 1 year ago
[–] Wetstew 2 points 10 hours ago

I use the phrase codified. For example Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 didn't invent fighting or exploring in 3D, but both established a baseline of what it should feel like.

Pokemon took what SMT/Dragon Quest/Mother was putting down, simplified and refined the vibe and made it more accessible.

[–] Wetstew 2 points 10 hours ago

Both games have full implented battle systems.

Cobblemon allows you to move while battling, and has faint animations.

Pixelmon is more feature complete, but it's glitchier.

Definitely play it on a server. The procedural generated gyms are cool, but nothing beats humans.

[–] Wetstew 1 points 10 hours ago

Someone's gotta show Lost Odyssey some love.

[–] Wetstew 15 points 16 hours ago

It's such a shame. Pokemon has so much potential, but Gamefreak/TPC are... a bit shitty.

They could take a leaf from Morrowind. Open world, but use terrain and fog to hide the limitation and funnel the players along the points of interest.

Then late game let them go nuts, flying everywhere seeing the less than pretty areas.

Like Breath of the Wild had some empty ugly areas, but the worse areas were off the beaten path.

Also the bland areas were also usually hiding a shrine or something.

[–] Wetstew 4 points 21 hours ago

Cut to the barber that's clearly a coyote.

[–] Wetstew 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

IIRC he only got ice cream for him and one of his daughters, when the other two kids who were also with him watching them eat ice cream. Mom calls him out on that being a bit fucked up, Dad doubles down. Reddit asks OP what the fuck is he doing.

It's weird Bean Dad shit.

[–] Wetstew 2 points 1 day ago

It did get kinda funny again at the sixth one, but the seventh ruined it.

[–] Wetstew 21 points 3 days ago

Lecturing a Chan user on condangs is like asking your dog his thoughts on the Flat Tax.

[–] Wetstew 4 points 3 days ago

(sighs) Would.

[–] Wetstew 1 points 3 days ago

I've been playing House Flipper. Worth the price of admission.

The item catalog kinda sucks, but once you get use to it, it's fine.

[–] Wetstew 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Oh, no language policing intended. I was just doubling down on the bloodlust.

[–] Wetstew 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Last Podcast turned me on Pluto Tv a while back, and it's a serviceable service.

Behind the Bastards being sponsored by Raytheon (through I Heart Radio, blech) will never not be funny.

"You know who, Sophie, won't slaughter hundreds of civilians? Our Products and Services... Except Raytheon and Washington State Troopers"

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Wetstew to c/pokemongo

I'm a monster, and I'm using a grasshole team.

Lead with Grotile, it's frail and hits hard with grass and flying attacks.

Tropius x4 resists grass and ground, ground's more common to check the part steels that plague this format.

Mawile counters Ferrothorn with Fire Fang, and I forgoed the Power-Up-Punch set for Iron Head and Play Rough. People tend to eat the first charge attack from Mawile since PUP seems to be the most common.

The only mon I struggle with is Tentacruel and G-Weezing. Mawile resists poison, but it's so frail and Tentacruel resists everything it has. Weezing has a fast fairy attack so a healthy Mawile can beat it with shields, but Overheat and Sludge Bomb gibs my entire team.

If it's a bad opening match up I sacrifice Grotile to safely let in Mawile to either finish off the open or lock in a bad match up for Tropius to farm energy.


Butterfinger BBs always reminds me of my mother.

She was a single mother; so on her days off she would pick me up from my grandmother's and we would go to a convenience store and get snacks and sodas. (and for some reason she would get a pack of swishers, no ideas why she would want snacks with a cigarillo, especially since she would slice them open)

We'd go back to my uncle's house she was renting a room from, hang out in her bedroom and watch The Simpsons, eat butterfingers, and play Mario World.

Izzy! No! (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by Wetstew to c/lemmyshitpost

You activated my trap card! You fool!


I'm slowly building up the XL Candy for a shiny 96% Lucario to get my fighting DPS up.

I also got a 98% Palkia Origin that I want to get up as high as I can, but that's going to require a ton of XL Rare Candy.

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