
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 22 hours ago

There are usually safe ones as well, just some that might need to be frozen instead of left out.

Fwiw, I always assumed tortillas were just like...flour and water and a bit of fat. Had no idea they had preservatives because I never paid attention to the label until I saw an article on surprising UPF foods in the NYT a few months ago. I'm more careful with my consumption of them now!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 22 hours ago

Cows and bears. Both put the wumpus on you if your dog irritates or frightens them, especially if they have their kids still with them.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 22 hours ago

Cut down in it's prime :(

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

Will that achieve anything?

Yes! Various countries implement a "traffic light" style health meter that is legally required to be on the front of packaging that also gives a little subtext to say what causes it to be yellow or red (least healthy). So it will say stuff like "excess sodium" or "too much sugar" which actually does work. People don't even realize that some staples are considered UPFs because of preservatives (Tortillas), or are otherwise unhealthy (too much sugar and preservatives in 'health' cereals and yogurts).

This allows people to find staples that do not contain shocking amounts of sugar, preservatives, or highly processed options within the same category. It's worked when implemented well :)

[–] [email protected] 38 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Wow, if I was a customer, I'd be dropping them immediately even if I didn't pirate. That is sketchy as hell.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 day ago (2 children)

2,000 people is a ton! Sounds like a really good event. Looking forward to their next one :D

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Looks interesting, but it will probably need to be way brighter for daytime use.

Eye tracking is a no-go for anywhere with bright snow in the winter time where you need sunglasses, or in the summertime and need sunglasses.

I could see it being useful someday.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

More than just climate. Huge infrastructure acts that are helping rebuild our our states. Helping us add stuff like protected bike lanes, too. Capping prescription costs, which is huge.

Massive investments in our economy and R&D, something we have been sorely lacking.

Some queer rights and even some small but humanizing stuff, like letting bi and gay men donate blood like the rest of humanity, and making the bar safer for everyone.

In addition to all the other stuff, like stopping the pandemic, pulling the economy out of a nosedive under Trump, reversing schedule F (think Trump's version of Order 66) for federal employees who actually keep the lights on and the country going between multiple presidents, forgiving tons of student loans, and curtailing the damage from abortion being revoked where he can.

Not to mention his accomplishments on background checks for guns, pardoning federal Marijuana offenses, and slapping the dogshit out of Russia via our friends and allies. ❤️

Edit: Damn, there's actually a list of accomplishments. He's done a lot of good shit even if he's kind of a bad public speaker.


[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Pretty sure Iran adopted "Axis of Resistance" already. Least they already know what side they are on.

Really getting sick of people deciding to just like...starting shit instead of focusing on constructive competitions like science or space races to other planets. Why do people feel the need to kill the shit out of each other and subjugate their population whilst climate change is bearing down on us? :p

[–] [email protected] 90 points 1 day ago

Work would freak out if I accepted a gift from a client. I'd probably be fired. Yet somehow, this is okay for servants of the public.

Don't forget to vote this November. We are stuck with these dickheads until they die or retire because we fucked up in 2016 and Trump installed these assholes in rapid succession after McConnell refused to let Obama seat a justice. I'd also really appreciate more of the capped prescriptions Biden has done, paying $35 a month instead of hundreds for insulin. If he can cap some other medications, we will be one step closer to universal healthcare.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

As the article mentions, I applud efforts to up-armor existing bike lanes to make them safer against car and truck intrusions.

But we should be pushing a lot harder for more bike lanes that are protected by concrete barriers AND more connections to things like south Seattle, west seattle, and greenlake.

It's really frustrating to watch massive roads go into places like the waterfront that are just going to ferry cars between North and South seattle. That money could have been spent better elsewhere, building out a staggering number of bike lanes at a much lower cost.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

I'll miss this museum. Wish the Smithsonian bought it out and added it to its collection.


There are geothermal solutions for geothermal features near the surface already. This article is about advances in deep geothermal solutions: 15,000+ feet of pipe, deep into the earth. Utilizing the falling cost of horizontal drilling equipment from the fracking industry, there are now solutions to drill 10,000 feet down, and 5,000 feet sideways to improve the likelihood of running into superheated rock. Currently, drilling will be limited to geothermally gifted areas of America, but may be able to expand to less fortunate areas as the technology improves and gets even less expensive.


Looks like critical thinking deteriorates above 72f/22c. Crime swings higher. Lowering your core temperature seems to help, even if you live in a climate with unavoidable heat.


For context, a water main blew, and the city of Calgary has been under strict water rationing for the past handful of days. The new pipe should arrive later this week from California :)



It's pretty cool that the government has a department that can delicately extract damaged money and return new bills to people. I wish this article went into the process of how they do it!


They found a plant thought to be exinct in the area, and got super excited when they found it. Seeds have been forwarded to a seed bank. The article is worth a read and is fairly short :)


It was a very unlikely win. Some, if not all players on this team have day jobs.

Paywall free version here: https://archive.ph/uQcS4


In effect, Mr. Trump’s candidacy is becoming a referendum on what kind of justice system the country believes it has now and wants to have in the future


Hopefully, some of these get added along dangerous intersections in south and west Seattle. UW could also use some.

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