OOP's message honestly looks incredibly racist with this perspective. Personally i read it as those doing the stealing being corporations due to my personal predisposition, but i could EASILY see someone in the MAGA crowd echoing this sentiment, because they'd read this and immediately assume those doing the stealing refers to minorities.
Thats the issue with saying something like "it was stolen from you". People will always assume those who stole it from them as whatever they personally think is harming society; whatever they see as the big bad.
Or maybe my autism is showing and i cant grasp context over text again
Land of the "free" Home of the "brave"
Its a tweet wi a bumper sticker that says "if a cop pulls me over they're gay" and a picture of a police badge above a pride patch
Bro can i just say that i fucking hate that anti-semetic is even an argument used when someone demonstrates support for Hamas? it doesnt even make sense because by definition both parties are semetic.
Damn thats crazy
Not their Erotic Role-Play system!
I hope Epic adds him to fortnite for no reason other than they can
Deadass would pay $100 for a Xavier skin.
Thats pretty fuckin slow. Thats slower than a particularly good cyclist
This is a culvers and they hire at 15y/o. They also start at $15 so i dont see what OP is crying about.