
joined 2 years ago
[–] VoterFrog 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Well, famously, they're waves and particles. The double slit which way experiment will only set off the detector in one slit, as if it was a particle. Yet, without a detector it will interfere with itself as if it were a wave that passed through both slits.

[–] VoterFrog 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

You're right. But the thing that's interesting about the double slit experiment though is that it works on only a single photon. It's as if all the traffic was created by a single car. So classically you might not think that the single car should care if the freight truck is heading down a different lane than the car but in QM it does, because the car is in a superposition of occupying several lanes.

I'm probably driving the analogy straight into the ground of course

[–] VoterFrog 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What are you trying to see exactly? There's this video done with polarizers: Of course, it's not an instant on/off but having an instant on/off doesn't really change anything.

[–] VoterFrog 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Wikipedia has a whole list of citations on this very sentence lol.

There is near unanimous consensus among economists that tariffs are self-defeating and have a negative effect on economic growth and economic welfare

[–] VoterFrog 5 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Tariffs are a net negative. Always. The things produced will not be competitive on the global market, if they were, we'd already be making them. The higher prices always destroy more jobs than they create. Retaliatory tariffs destroy even more jobs. The higher prices drive down demand and make the working class consumer poorer. Always.

There's no economic upside to tariffs, over any time horizon. They create a small number of jobs in a specific sector at a very expensive cost. Some politicians might decide that the enormous economic cost is worth it for other reasons, but a net positive they are not.

[–] VoterFrog 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Because the uncertainty in the measurement is related to the wavelength of a photon used to make the measurement and smaller wavelengths (higher frequencies) lower that uncertainty but are more energetic.

PBS Spacetime has an excellent video on this very subject.

[–] VoterFrog 23 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (2 children)

To accurately measure the size or location of something requires energy. The more precise the measurement, the more energy is required. The amount of energy required get the precision below the Planck length would literally create a black hole.

[–] VoterFrog 4 points 4 weeks ago

Not American enough. I need it in football fields.

[–] VoterFrog 1 points 1 month ago

My place of work has a pretty high rate of pronoun signaling and I've found it immensely useful. Not just for the usual androgynous names line Pat or Elliott, but also I work with people all around the world, how would you refer to Jung Bae? Judging by the number of foreign people who have never seen my name, I imagine it goes both ways. And, yes, I also work with a number of nonbinary and trans people so of course it helps there too.

Some people refer to everybody, even those they know, as they/them and I honestly kinda like it. Been considering taking that habit on myself.

[–] VoterFrog 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I wouldn't base your decision on what Lemmy says. They're pretty unreasonably salty about the game. Reviews from players are very positive and the game's only $23 right now.

  • Despite what they're saying,, there is actually a lot of legitimately interesting and sometimes fantastical biomes and this update has added even more.
  • There are a lot of different parts of the game that you can pretty casually engage in. Various missions, settlements, settlement management, ship collecting, manufacturing, fleet management, trading, piracy, archeology, and more.
  • It's a relaxation game for me. Just hop on, pick a direction, and go. Do whatever piques your interest in the moment.

If "casual" and "relaxing" are dirty words for you, then it probably isn't up your alley. It's certainly not going to be intense and action packed (though it does have its moments). But it's a good game if you, like me, sometimes get tired of the sweaty online shit, crunchy brain melting games, and the overall weight of life in the real.

[–] VoterFrog 1 points 1 month ago

My wife and I watch a lot of sitcoms before bed, often from the 00s. One had at least one anti-gay joke per episode. In one of the middle seasons, they had an episode where a character makes a gay friend and has to deal with their discomfort around gay people. Then the next episode, they're back to gay bashing. Wild times.

[–] VoterFrog -3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Nah but here's the real staggering part. It should be far easier for universes to form locally conscious beings than it is to form all the pieces necessary to naturally evolve conscious beings. These would mostly be very short-lived arrangements of energy with no hope of surviving but certain arrangements would even have false memories, making them believe that they have existed far longer than they actually have.

They may even have false memories of living on earth.

They may even have false memories of your exact life.

And they would be, by far, more common than any form of actual sustainable life. It is vastly more likely that you have experienced this post as a false memory created inside one of these short-lived consciousnesses than for any of this to be real.

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