
joined 1 year ago

Hey folks!

Sorry for the mangled title! Hope I'm doing this correctly.

I'm an interior architect/designer currently trying to write an article about the influence of architecture on people experiencing synesthesia or sensory processing disorders, with the end goal being to give some ideas and suggestions for more universal and inclusive design.

I'm only in the research stage, so I don't have much to share yet.

A very superficial Google search told me there are so many varieties of synesthesia that it's impossible to really pinpoint anything common like "most people hear a low note when seeing the colour blue", or "the colour red tastes like honey", so I'm curious what it's like for you? Is shopping fun or torture? What about museums? Is anything ever "quiet" for you? What do you wish public buildings had (or don't have) to make going there easier/more fun for you? Are there specific triggers?

I wasn't actually planning on publishing* your stories into the article, I'm just trying understand what life if like for you at this point.

*Publishing sounds super fancy, but I only have 1 subscriber so there's a large chance nobody would even see it anyway.

Also please feel free correct me if I'm using the wrong terminology, this is new terrain for me.

Thank you in advance for sharing your experiences!