
joined 1 month ago
[–] Vinstaal0 2 points 2 weeks ago

Because most people don't need a 3mm jack anymore, I prefer to use a USB-c dac anyway the sound is better.

And I offload the data to a NAS anyway so the storage is irrelevant anyway.

[–] Vinstaal0 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

An external DAC is better anyway, just put that on your headphones.

[–] Vinstaal0 -1 points 2 weeks ago (11 children)

Just get a USB-c dongle and let that sit on your headphones. These days nearly everything has USB-c anyway and the sound is way better. The last phones I had with the USB-c jack (RedMi Note 13 Pro and iPhone 4 before that) all sounded worse than me using a cheap DAC. Getting an expensive DAC will improve the sound even more.

Personally I say that most would need to get a NAS before they need a SD card or you need to get a dedicated Camera or MP4 player if your pictures or music exceed the 500GB max and streaming isn;t an option using a NAS.

The rest of your points are valid.

[–] Vinstaal0 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I am happy with the size of my iPhone 16 and pretty sure there are other brands that don't have these massive phones as tablets.

[–] Vinstaal0 1 points 2 weeks ago

A CPA is required to use experts in fields to they are no expert in, but the proces part of the entire situation is very import as well so that’s why I suggested a CPA do it. (Plus a signature from a CPA means more)

[–] Vinstaal0 0 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah they are and they need to act like seperate businesses to each other. But Google is just going to loan YouTube money when it needs to. Google is basically playing the game with infinite money.

[–] Vinstaal0 3 points 2 weeks ago

Or you can setup RSSFeeds direcrly and also include news articles and other stuff

[–] Vinstaal0 4 points 2 weeks ago

Youtube started when hosting video’s was way easier. The files where smaller, the bandwidth of most people wasn’t that great either. Storage was more expensive though.

These days everybody wants 4K footage and everybody was 100-1000+ mbps internet and we have 4K screens so we can also watch it.

The competitors who host it are either paid up front or porn sites. Because there is no real way to start up a competitor to YouTube. I decided to accept that and I have RSSfeeds of all the creators I like to watch so I bypass the algorithm

[–] Vinstaal0 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Safari in itself also blocks a lot of ads, but if that is not enough IOS users can also install Firefox. There is no reason to watch ads anymore

[–] Vinstaal0 5 points 2 weeks ago

Sadly I still see that ads benefit a lot of my clients. The more advertising they do the more revenue they get, but this is only for small to medium sized companies. However if every company in the world spends 100k on adverts on platforms like Google we would easily surpass the 10b.

Dropshippers are the best example of this. No ads means no revenue.

[–] Vinstaal0 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Dutch is way worse than English regarding inconsistencies it’s not even funny.

Sadly Dutch is adapting to make some thing “proper” Dutch which where never proper Dutch and sound wrong to every native Dutch speaker. Like “groter als jij” instead of “groter dan jij”.

[–] Vinstaal0 2 points 2 weeks ago

One of those theories is the circulair economy which basically against consumerism and working more on the r-ladder to make companies produce better goods.

But first the US needs to get their shit together with bullshit that is designed for people to buy as much as possible like the taxes not being included in the price. Same with tips and other fees. Normally that is called misinformation on price, but American jusr accepts it. Some people even defend that bullshit.

Another theory involves giving people other benefit than more which is more in line with how it worked in mid-century. But then instead of having a king ontop have the state untop

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